Getting rich off of Liberals. Be against Trump and say some crazy stuff.


So I noticed a trend right in front of our eyes.

There is a way to really easily get rich just because you are against Trump and his administration.

Just as an example I will give you 2 people that fit that mold perfectly.

The first is Omarosa.


This woman has beed fired by the Trump Administration for many reasons. As soon as she was let go she went straight into reality TV and made money because everyone wanted to see what she would say about Trump.

These days she has been on TV and is talking about having secret recordings of Kelly firing her as well as Trump.

She has released those recordings and they do not show anything unusual. Nothing.

The weird thing that liberals dont see is that she started talking about all of this right now because her book is coming out.

I mean, what better way to promote a book, no matter if its good or bad than going on TV and talking about it.

Being on networks that side with democrats and liberals such as CNN, MSNBC, NBC and others is perfect because she will make a ton of money from this.

Liberals will pay good dollars for anything and I mean anything that is against Trump and it doesnt matter if its true or false.

Another perfect example is Peter Strzok. He is the now Ex FBI Agent that was sending anti-trump texts to his girlfriend while being a part of the "Russia probe".

The FBI fires him for bias etc and what he does is just one of the smartest things out there. He goes on twitter, thanks for working with his collegues and in the same tweet which was the first since his firing and everyone was waiting for it he uncluded a gofundme page which he set up for himself to basicaly get money from the naive liberals feeling sorry for the traitor.

His Gofundme page has been up for about 12 hours now and had a goal of 150k. That goal was changed to 350k because the 150k was surpassed. Just look:


I mean how naive and desperate do you have to be ? These people know they can make a lot of money from anti-trump supporters and they have no problem just getting every dollar from them.

The people donating think they are helping them in a huge way not even thinking that through the positions those people held they have a lot more money than the regular people donating.

This stuff is just getting weirder and weirder every day and its literally getting to the point where no behaviour would suprise me from liberals any more.

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