While the RNC sits on it collective hands, the liberals 'make' enough vote to overturn the election in Arizona!

WHY are these "ballots" being use to stuff the ballot box not being challenged? Especially with the count on the found"ballots going overwhelmingly for the liberal candidate? It make no statistical sense, and MUST be artificial! So how is the RNC responding? By doing NOTHING!

Why are these votes not under review? Why no court actions? If they manage to steal Arizona, and Florida; by stuffing both state's ballot boxes, they will change the face of the Senate! While the RNC does NOTHING about hese felonies!


WHO IS PAYING THE RNC TO DO NOTHING? Or are they that gutless?This is a tipping point in American politics; do we allow this theft to proceed? This is so blatant, and so obvious, stopping it Should be easy, and immediate!

But will anything be done?

At least here is a link to donate cash for a Florida recount:

We are in a dark time in American Politics my friends!


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