The recommendation for Forced innoculation comes down from doctors; who are more politicians, than doctors!

Medical Tyranny is now recommended policy by our government / doctors; using a low grade contagion as an excuse to DEMAND that Everyone takes this 'inoculation' or be PUNISHED!

We are to be forced, against all objections to accept whatever they decide to shoot us with, in the Guise of a rapidly developed Chronavirus vaccine!

Article on medical Tyranny: innoculations.jpg

The government, directed by doctors; is considering a Mandatory vaccination for everyone in the country. The excuse is a low grade virus (not as deadly as the common cold) that has already mutated once. This rapid mutation means that the vaccination will Not work, on the new mutated strain. So any inoculation will be, in fact, useless as this virus mutates to different forms.

This is the exact same reason that they have been unable to make a vaccine for the common cold for the last five decades. Only now they have decided to give us a shot of something, and then call it a Chronavirus inoculation!

In an opinion piece published by USA Today, medical professionals urge for “compulsory vaccination for everyone” and furthermore state that Americans who decline a vaccine for coronavirus should be subjected to “punishment.”
A Closer Look at the Healthcare Community’s Support for Forced Vaccination

The healthcare opinion writers kicked off their piece, stating that there is “no alternative” but to require everyone in America to receive a vaccine for coronavirus, whether they like it or not.

The goal of all Fascists is total control...JUST LIKE THIS!

Furthermore, the op-ed urges the removal of religious exemptions and personal exemptions; this is in addition to stating that “severe penalties” should befall individuals who fail to comply with a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

This sounds like the mark of the Beast from Revelation in the Bible! They have even talked about putting the medical verification in a 'chip', and placing that 'chip' in everyone's right hand....

Mandating that Americans get a coronavirus vaccine and enacting the aforementioned “severe penalties” for those who refuse doesn’t mark the end of the op-ed, though.

Doctors who wrote the piece continued, stating that following vaccination against COVID-19, a “registry of immunization” should contain names of all who have accepted the shot. Then, the opinion article goes on to endorse “certification cards” with branded expiration dates that individuals can carry around with them as proof of vaccination.

Beginning to sound familiar? It should, they are talking about casting non-compliant individuals outside society!!!

The “severe penalties” endorsed by medical professionals behind this op-ed include the following: loss of tax credits, revocation of government benefits, loss of employment, loss of access to public transportation (planes, trains, buses, etc.), denial of entry into both public and private auditoriums, etc.

Next step is grocery stores, access to healthcare, then public roadways...we have to raise Hell now, or live in Hell soon! There will be zero Freedom left, if they pull this off, we will be low paid servants; begging for crumbs from the government!

Needless to say, the aforementioned measures recommended by the medical doctors in yesterday’s USA Today op-ed are horrifying to many Americans. Last night, the article began making the rounds on social media with many people questioning the legality and ethics behind forced vaccination and societal restrictions for those who refuse.

This violates the US Constitution, and deliberately ignores all medical Ethics (first do no harm) and forces the use of quickly made and untested injections to 100% of US Citizens! What could possible go wrong, after all thalidomide was fully tested and approved....

One thing is definitely for sure: calls to “require” a coronavirus vaccine for each American have certainly reinforced the beliefs of those who maintain that certain mandates are about social control, rather than stopping a virus. Talk about punishing people who refuse and setting up an immunization registry for “certification cards” also aren’t putting minds at ease.

They are correct, this is NOT medically based, this is all about control! They must control us, by denying freedom to 'Non-compliant' individuals. The more they can deny, the more power they amass, and the more dangerous they become! In order to do this, they must 'set aside' (AKA Destroy) the US Constitution; to pick up these reigns of tyranny through Fascism!

The goal is to force us to use cards they control (or the chips some favor), to buy food, etc.; because if they control access, they control US! Without their approval, we can't eat, have no access to medical, or fuel.

Disagree (First Amendment RIGHT) and they will just let you die! That is Tyrannical power at it's very worst, and the bloody end to our Republic....

I never thought they could succeed in doing this in my lifetime. As a side note, they MUST destroy the Second Amendment first; as this is the foundation, our entire Republic rests upon! IF they force this one issue, the entire World collapses into darkness.

We did NOT force medicine on citizen's for the Spanish flu
The Spanish Flu numbers are not as solid, but the say 500,000,000 were infected, and 20,000,000 to 50,000,000 died! If we take the middle of these numbers at 35,000,000 lost it is a 7% mortality rate! They do mention that a mutated strain caused significant deaths in a second wave.

We did not force inoculations upon the public with small pox that killed 30% of it's victims.
Initially, in the Americas small pox killed 95% of those infected. The drop to a modern number of 30% dead was still unacceptable! Those willing were inoculated, and herd immunity destroyed small pox!

The numbers are tougher with the Plague, but the numbers suggest 20 to 80% fatality rate from the black death
These are not modern medical responses but quarantine was developed to combat this serious contagion!

NOW enter the chronavirus. First we must be aware that we are not getting consistent numbers. ALL other numbers are based on a statistical estimate of number actually infected, compared to those who die from the contagion. This is reasonable and scientifically accurate, and has been used on all other contagions. The statistical quantities can be ten to thirty times the size of the known sick. With the Chronavirus, only positive tested infected are allowed in the calculations for the mortality rate. This is scientifically garbage, and is Deliberate; they should be ashamed of their subterfuge! On top of that, data collected has been deliberately inflated by including deaths by shooting and auto accidents as chronavirus deaths! So we must used known inaccuracies and twisted numbers to try to make some kind of comparison!

I go to the state of Oklahoma's website.

Here we see a listed 1.2 % mortality rate ; but if we even assume the lowest projected (statistical) infection rate, this becomes 0.12% mortality. This is likely closer to accurate. The Governor here, said last week that the Mortality rate here in Oklahoma was 0.4% (note that he is using the positive tested number to calculate this rate) He also stated that our most vulnerable older population accounted for almost all the losses. This is significantly lower than the common cold....

So we have continued as normally as possible, through several serious contagions; and the Nation has shrugged this all off. Only to run aground on a contagion that likely would have gone unnoticed except for the massive coverage it received from the media, supported by politicians!

The Chronavirus is a comparative paper tiger, and we need only protect our older Citizens and let herd immunity build up and destroy this relatively weak virus! BUT the very last thing we need, is Medically supported Tyranny; which will likely force civil war upon us all! THEN the real rate of mortality will soar, we need to pray for our Republic...while we still have her!

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