The liberals in Broward County in Florida; are trying to steal a US Senate seat; by voter fraud!

Just in case you still think the ballot box stuffing is not a is another felony to the liberals credit!

There are enough tampered votes from Broward County to force Legal review. They have been ordered to produce their ballots; and they have refused!

Election supervisor ordered to produce all ballots and has refused. May be held in Contempt of court.

IF it is found, that vote tampering has occurred in Broward County; those responsible MUST be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! ALL questionable votes should be sifted to the very bottom, and any illegal items found must also be prosecuted!

The entire county should be allowed, under close scrutiny, to re cast their legal votes.

In My Humble Opinion; voter fraud is high treason! Those found guilty of this offence need to be hung, in a public square in Washington DC! I recommend high noon.


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