The experimental vaccine current under development in China for Canada, is found to Contain aborted infant stem cells!

The experimental vaccine being Required by the Canadian Government for all citizens, Contains stem cells from murdered infants. Is there anything else that can be done to make this 'vaccine' less acceptable?

Image from article:
Experimental Product of murder, being forced upon pro life Citizens by their government!

Article covering the Canadian approved experimental Anti-virus:

I am surprised and disgusted that the Canadian government is willing to risk their entire population on an experimental Vaccine STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT!

After it was announced recently that Canada’s largest federal research and development organization has teamed up with a Chinese vaccine company to test a new trial coronavirus vaccine in Canada, Dr. Alan Moy, M.D., founder and scientific director of the John Paul II Medical Research Institute and CEO of Cellular Engineering Technologies decided to do some digging, upon which he discovered that the test vaccine in question is made from aborted fetal cell lines.

CanSino Biologics Inc., also known as CanSinoBIO, is the name of the Chinese firm that partnered up with Canada’s National Research Council (NRC) to conduct trials on Ad5-nCoV, as it is being called, which Dr. Moy found contains a cell line known as HEK293 that was derived from unborn children that were murdered while still inside their mothers’ wombs.

To make it even more offensive, they have allowed the developer to use murdered infant stem cells as a component part of this Experimental, anti-chronavirus vaccine! What could possible go wrong here? Beyond the question as to whether this vaccine will even actually work!

We appear to be a little safer here in the USA thus far...

Even though President Trump has said that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines will not be mandated at the federal level, there is still the possibility that some states may try to force them locally, which will put not just those opposed to vaccination in a tough position but also those who recognize the sanctity of unborn human life.

So some liberal 'enclave states' may try this same requirement! It is;

  1. Experimental.

  2. Forced use is tyranical.

  3. Questionable, vaccine source is the same as the contagion.

  4. First step, Murder is required to make this anti-virus!

  5. Unethical infant stem cell research component.

  6. This Vaccine will only help part of the time, see below.

What’s worse, Ad5-nCoV probably won’t even work

Besides its unethical origins, the Ad5-nCoV more than likely will not even work as promised, Dr. Moy warns. As it turns out, there is a high incidence of immunity against Ad5, so most of the people who are injected with it will confer no protection whatsoever against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

“I don’t envy Canadians,” Dr. Moy is further quoted as saying. “Your government and PM (prime minister) have mandated draconian policies that are anti-life … Not a good vaccine solution if pro-life or pro-choice.”

I do NOT know the legalities, But my Canadian friends need to use all that are available on the legal side; to protect themselves from what is rapidly becoming, a Tyrannical government! In the USA, we need to watch this carefully

Those in Canada should really watch this with great interest. The Chinese labs have just moved this to the Human testing phase, and the Canadian PM has committed all Canadian Citizens; to be Lab Rats for this Chinese Lab

This vaccine is said to be the first “phase 2” coronavirus vaccine, meaning it has been approved to be “safely” used in human test subjects. And the Canadian government could not be more excited about the prospect of injecting as many Canadians as possible with it to “cure” them of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

NOTE: This means they are pretty sure that it will not kill the human test subjects, and does Not claim it will function against the Chronavirus. With this in mind, WHY is the Canadian Prime Minister using the full force of Law; to force the universal use of this Untested 'Vaccine'?

Is He 'China purchased' too?

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