The discussion of returning kids to school or not; Is sadly being approached from Politics, and NOT by using Science!

We have been discussing the future of our Children, specifically with respect to returning to school...or not; because of the Chronavirus! Incomprehensibly, politics seem to be more important; than these Children, OR the Medical Science pertaining to Chronavirus!

Is liberal political power gain, worth sacrificing our Children's futures, and mental stability? Or do we step on these liberal fools, and re-present the Facts and the Medical Science, and then send them back to School? Politics, and a low grade contagion; should not derail the training, of our next generation!

Hate for President Trump is NOT sufficient reason to destroy the entire World, including our Children!

Image from article:
covid 19 and middle-school.jpg

Article from a Medical study from New England on the risk of returning Children to School:

This study shows that keeping Children out of School is NOT Scientifically Supportable, but simple politically motovated!

The results from a study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine show that the only reason children are being kept from school due to the China coronavirus is politics.

The New England Journal of Medicine released the results of a study on the China coronavirus that are shocking. Children have a very low risk of catching the China coronavirus.

This study shows the science behind their conclusions. It is pretty easy to see why:

Based on the study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, the senior author concluded that:

“[E]ven if children do get infected, they are less likely to transmit the disease to others than adults. We have not found a single instance of a child infecting parents.“

This is huge.

The genetic analysis in this study is the most direct evidence of the direction of transmission. And this evidence shows that children must be less likely to transmit than adults.

No other way to view this. These datasets are basically irrefutable.

There is NO possible way to justify further scarring of our Children based on Science. The only way to 'justify' this very poor decision, is by Politics!

Mao Tse Tung, when presented by hard Science, was told it was Scientifically Correct. He was furious, because he couldn't get his own way! So, Mao Tse Tung invented a term 'Politically Correct' To trump Scientifically Correct; so he could get his own way, in spite of science, like a spoiled Brat!

NOW, Our liberal politicians have adopted the same term 'politically correct'; Because they also are spoiled brats

A Study of school aged kids From England and Whales shows:

This study shows basically the same thing, medically speaking! It is also obvious that the mental scarring that has already occurred; will last some of these kids, for the rest of their lives!

After nearly 45,000 Covid deaths in England and Wales, we can see that people of different ages have been exposed to dramatically differing risks. Fatalities among school-children have been remarkably low. Taking women aged 30–34 as an example, around 1 in 70,000 died from Covid over the 9 peak weeks of the epidemic. Since over 80% of these had pre-existing medical conditions, we estimate that a healthy women in this age-group had less than a 1 in 350,000 risk of dying from Covid, around 1/4 of the normal risk of an accidental death over this period.

Yet we have taught these impressionable Children that the World is a place so dangerous that their entire Family must HIDE at home for months, just to survive. Then to go outside, we need to run from people, and to wear stuff on our faces, to live.

What in the Hell are we teaching our children? Is political gain by liberals THAT Important? Is it acceptable to sacrifice More school time for these innocent Children just to allow the liberals a talking point to attack President Trump with?

It is time to return the Public School system to Local control, and require the teachers to teach, and not to indoctrinate; our Children! Public schools, like every other liberal construct; have failed, so in a way, our Children are better off.

BUT, AT least they are not being Brain Washed by liberal teachers every day! So there is a silver lining....

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