Mail in Ballots in Maryland are so fraudulent, that they are forced to purge all mail in ballots; in an effort to recover their election!

Voters fraud is so bad in Maryland, that they were forced to disallow all the mail in ballots, in an attempt to clean up their election. The question comes to mind, How bad does it need to be to be Noticed in a liberal state? Also how tainted must it be to force them to try to restore a fair election?

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Article on election fraud supported by mail in ballots:

Maryland tried a mail in ballot voting, and the results were so contaminated that Maryland threw out all mail in ballots. This means that the actually disabled voters, had their votes squashed because the liberals were practicing ballot box stuffing for November. They did such an obvious job, that even in a blue state they noticed, and threw the mailed ballots out!

A ballot error caused mail-in votes to be thrown out rather than counted.

“Nikki Charlson, deputy administrator for the state board, said later Wednesday that state officials removed all city results after discovering an error with returns in the District 1 Council race. Officials found the ballot’s design left it out of alignment with scanners and, at the time, they were unsure of the scope of the problem, she said,” the Baltimore Sun reported.

Maryland Board of Elections blamed the vendor for not fixing a problem in the “ballot title.”

There are going to be widespread problems if there is a massive shift to mail-in ballots for the general election in November.

The argument that it was too risky to for people to vote at Polling Places because of Covid 19. BUT, it was just fine to gather for the liberal sacraments of looting, arson, and Murder! Spending a week in a large crowd, throwing soros bricks is Perfectly safe, because obviously the bio weapons (made by the liberal's employers...china) are only at voting booths! The truth is somewhat simpler:

The Democrats now have no basis for opposing in-person voting since they have supported in-person protests for the death of George Floyd.

The plan that Nancy Pelosi intends in November is, like a putrid corpse; beginning to rise to the surface, and become visible to all those interested in our future. Even though they claim the Biden is WAY ahead in every poll; they are desperately working to stuff the ballot boxes, as their ONLY hope of stealing the election!

Nancy Pelosi had one grand plan that would ensure Biden became president.

But she’ll have a hard time convincing voters of it now.

A huge election fraud destroyed Nancy Pelosi’s dream of a Democrat win.

This Maryland case should be a warning to all of us that they DO NOT intend to play fair, and will do anything to gain more political power! The only thing they can offer, is their hate for President Trump!

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