If Senator Lindsey Graham is made the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee; He will investigate what really needs investigating, Comey and the FISA Warrant!

Well Lindsey Graham does seem to move with his voters. when they moved from Democrat to Republican, so did he. For years he was a RINO, but when he lost to Trump because he was not Conservative enough. He recognized this, and has moved again, with his voters.

The one thing I like about him, he follows his voters, That make him unusual, he actually represents his local constituents! THEY Tell him to support President Trump; so he does!

Image from post:
lindsey Grahm.png

The thing they want to see, is the liberals who committed felonies to attack President Trump; in Jail! He will follow their wishes, and investigate Comey and the FISA Warrant! Since he has figured out that his voters will keep him there, IF he does what They want done! The felonies there are rampant, and he should have Comey quickly, and when he goes states evidence, it will get interesting!


Since they said today that they will indict President Trump, the very day he leaves office, He need to stop pussy footing around with the liberals that have actually committed many felonies. They will lie him into jail, if he is not careful! They intend to have him behind bars, with their primary tool of perjury! it is all they have anymore....

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