Free speech is another victim of the Chronavirus in Cleveland, as Baker is censored for not being Politically Correct!

A Bakery Owner in Cleveland was denied her First Amendment RIGHT to Free Speech, because what she wanted to say was NOT 'Politically Correct'!

So they ordered her to remove this sign; and she did! Politically Correct speech needs to be universally rejected, every time we run into it!

Image from article:
I happen to think that the sign, which she liked and reprinted, is true, and needs to be shouted nationwide! BUT WE apparently are NOT allowed to say what we think anymore....

Article on this attack on the First Amendment:

It is Illegal to force this Business Owner to remove a sign that she agrees with, and wants to post! SHE HAS THE RIGHT, to say what she wants; since this is a Constitutional Republic! The government has no Authority to limit speech, per the First Amendment, she needs to sue them.

Cary James is the owner of the Cleveland-area Stahl’s Bakery, and she recently had to take down a “controversial” sign due to a litany of online complaints. What, pray tell, do you think that the sign said?
Do you suppose Ms. James said something that upset the liberals? Maybe the sign was deemed racist? No, none of the above. James’ sign actually said that the United States had no right to criminalize small businesses over this pandemic and give “rioters and looters” a free pass.

Truth can NOT be censored, Legally; in a Constitutional Republic! But they ignored the First Amendment, and ordered her to remove this sign! I would have had it painted on the front window...and told them to kiss my Posterior surface! Seems like Every Day we see liberal politicians exceeding their authority. We need to begin jailing them according to Law (USC 18 Section 242) for abusing US Citizens using the 'color of law' to exceed their authority. What they are doing, is actually against the Law, and has been illegal for over a Century!

This sign these internet trolls were complaining about read, “The second lockdown isn’t happening,” and it warned that “when you gave a pass to rioters and looters, you gave up your right to boss around citizens.” It also said, “No more masks and no more frantic warnings about these viruses, and no more stay at home or close businesses.” The signed concluded, saying, “We have no intentions of respecting any new little laws or civil orders.”
Interestingly enough, James feels that she has to give credit where credit is due. She herself seen this sign online and was impressed by it. So she printed it off and put it in her bakery window. The line regarding “looters and rioters” is what appealed to her the most.

BUT the liberals swarmed to the attack! They Can NOT have the truth published because people might begin to Think...and speak, for themselves. This can't be allowed by our liberal tyrants in training! So they attack like a pack of jackals, which is what they have come to believe is political action today....

THIS IS WHY our Founding Fathers refused to allow Mob Rule as a Governing method; and selected a Constitutional Republic as the best way to govern! By Fiat, we have been reduced to Mob Rule, and because of this liberal 'entitlement' mentality; supported by Politically Correct Speech, we are headed inevitably to violence....

THIS is the Utopia the liberals hand us; NO Rights allowed, only Blood in the streets. So Very many will die again, due to liberal Fascists tyranny; just like in 1930's Germany...liberal Nazis are trying to seize power again, HERE! The only thing stopping them from a fast takeover, is the Constitution; and the Rights listed there. The one that is stopping them the most, is the one that was written to stop political abuse. Our founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment to give us the ability to tell our politicians "NO" when they go too far! This is what they tell us in their follow on writings, admonishing US to control our politicians. They were truly Wise MEN; and are still stopping Evil politicians here today!

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