Cherokee Nation scalps Elizabeth Warren; when she thought she was safely on the War Path!

Politics can be fun, once in a while. When a liberal politician MUST win, in her own mind; and takes a risk publicly to support her claim.

Only to have the risk blow up in her face, ROFLOL! Any intelligent person would test in private first! BUT Not Elizabeth Warren; she is so sure of herself, based on zero data, that she jumped off of the DNA cliff!

Cartoonist A.F Branco captured it very well in this cartoon:
dna test politician.jpg

Then we have the response of the REAL Native Americans:
Here is her picture from this article:
elizabeth warren photo.jpg

The really Sad part of all this is that Ms Warren does NOT even know that she is becoming a laughing stock, and all she had to do was shut her big mouth. Maybe say she is not Blood connected to the Native Americans, but rather that she is a kindred spirit. She could have recovered this, but NO, she had to get a public DNA test!

When the test came back, showing 1/1024% (the noise range of these testing procedures) Native American; the Indian tribes themselves began to tell her to shut up!

So far she has ignored them, and continued her verbal diarrhea Big Surprise right? Here is her response still claiming strong evidence of her blood ties to the native American tribes:

My Dachshund could possible show up the same 1/1024% Native American blood, since it is within the noise range of this test! She must believe that the Main Stream Media will cover her to the Public, and hide the Real Truth!

It is SAD to think that she has such a poor understanding of science , so as to pursue this line of attack?


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