Article on the MSM's contagion; that has an Overall Mortality Not Much Different, Than a Bad Flu Season!!

I have avoided posting on the chronavirus, due to news saturation; but sometimes I find material that demands attention. I found that here with a well written article, using hard numbers.

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Article on the Chronavirus using real numbers

We have been told how terrible the Chronavirus danger is for six months...but numbers don't lie; unlike politicians and doctors! The infection and fatality rate has NEVER approached the projected numbers, which were low enough to be ignored to begin with

Coronavirus Study Confirms, with Exception of New York and New Jersey, Overall Mortality Not Much Different Than a Bad Flu Season

Enter Cuomo in help the Chronavirus look more dangerous; by sending actively infected patients to Nursing homes. He had a hospital ship in the harbor, but that would actually help. He combined the goal of increasing quantity, and reducing expenditures to older citizens; by infecting the most at risk (for anything people) in the Nursing homes. This is premeditated murder, if anyone is interested!

This article put it simply:

Finally, the actions of the governor and health officials in New York City caused that area to explode with cases and death, especially when compared to the rest of the country.

But they will save a lot of cash, SMH!

This article further points out that:

On March 17, 2020, we were the first to identify that the WHO and the WHO’s Director General Tedros were pushing fraudulent numbers regarding the expected mortality of the coronavirus. The WHO over-stated the mortality rate of the virus by at least 30 times.
We then followed up with multiple posts on the subject. We reported on June 7, 2020, a study showed that when looking at the mortality rates for all causes this flu season, things aren’t much worse than a bad flu.

We followed up on this study on June 18th with more current data supporting these results.
Today we have more information based on more current data that supports our initial observations – that current mortality rates from the China coronavirus are within expectations for an above-average flu season with the exception of NYC.

People, this is even with the massively inflated reporting attributed falsely to Chronavirus! It is still a weak contagion, even with the over reporting. Yet we are treating it like Ebola or Anthrax, I must ask WHY? We have killed more with these lock-downs, than the Chronavirus ever could have; focusing the fatalities in the older populations!

This article speaks to specific states

-NYC Total Mortality remains at Spanish Flu Levels for the season – New Jersey and Massachusetts remain high.

-Michigan and Illinois have increased marginally from week 35.

-Georgia and Texas are holding steady.

-California excess mortality is holding steady at less than 1%, and is marginally higher than Florida; both states are well within normal levels for flu season mortality. Florida remains open, although Calf. is locking back down.

Apparently, the new Chronavirus "lie" is to report 100% positive results for every test made. Then you can list every admit to every hospital as a Chronavirus intake. PEOPLE This is a boogieman, not a Pandemic; and crying wolf for six months will just reduce the response if a real contagion comes along!!!

Related to crying Wolf, the MSM is accurately blamed, for the saturation reporting on the Chronavirus.

They further state:

Much of the COVID-19 fear was sustained by media repetition and focus on daily and weekly COVID-19 infection rates and putative COVID-19 mortality that spiked in April. Daily and weekly mortality changes are quite variable, and the COVID-19 mortality estimates are partially confounded with total mortality, whereas cumulative weekly estimates of total mortality are highly regular. The growth pattern for COVID-19 mortality was shown day after day, but it was never placed within the context of the total cumulative mortality, and this gave rise to the impression that all the COVID-19 deaths were in fact directly caused by the disease, along with an additional false impression that the COVID-19 mortality was pushing the total mortality well above average for the year. These impressions turn out to be false.

False numbers should be a crime, and should be actively prosecuted. They should not LIE to us for political gain! They shouldn't murder us either, but they have....

IF they protect those they are targeting in NY, and let the disease run free in the rest, herd immunity will knock out the Chronavirus with little impact on people and the economy. BUT instead of killing the at risk population, instead we could save them this way!

Here in Tulsa, the Idiot Mayor passed a 'must wear' a mask 'law' in Tulsa. They are fairly transparent, because they set this 'Law' up to terminate in November. I wonder what the science support for 'ending' this law; right "after the Election" looks like? Surly this isn't politically motivated...they wouldn't murder people, or destroy the economy; just to try to grab political power, Right?

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