End of presumed innocence in the UK!


When the world is insane, the innocent become guilty.

In the UK last week, a judge ruled in the highest court in the land, that it is lawful for the police to provide prospective employers, information regarding cases you were accused of though found not guilty, this is only part of the problem, the problem is they state that you may actually be guilty, though they failed to prove it.

So the story goes like this Some guy named only AR was driving a taxi at 1AM in the morning and taking a drunk girl home, when she got home she went to sleep. The taxi driver had dropped her outside her house and drove home, the next day (maybe after getting a bollocking for staying out late and getting drunk) she blamed it on the taxi man, and claimed he raped her.

It went to court and he was found innocent, case closed.

He then left his taxi driving job, and went for some interview regarding a better job that he had studied for at university, passing his course with honours & a first-class degree at considerable cost via student loans. The employer asked for a police background check, due to it being a job working with children (teaching), after they provided it (the police) he was turned down for the job due to being accused of rape some years before (2011), it got worse, he then tried to get his old taxi job back, and they did the same check, they too refused him on the same grounds, so now his job choices are menial low paid jobs or cash in hand work.


Now picture the scene.

If your ex girlfriend gets pissed off that you left her for a younger model, she could scream rape and all your future job prospects would become obsolete also, in fact anyone could use this new system to make sure their enemy could never find a skilled job, then any money spent on university courses and all student loans would never be paid back to banks and to the government, as you must earn over 20 or 25,000 gbp (pounds)- also the average student debt is £32,220.

Source re student debt = https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/jun/15/uk-student-loan-debt-soars-to-more-than-100bn

I can see this ending badly for both the majority of people, and for the government, as student debt (unpaid) is already at over 100 billion gb pounds, and rising by the day, so this is not only foolish, it is insane, though as most people know, politicians are exactly that "insane".

Source regarding the case = http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/the-uk-has-abandoned-the-presumption-of-innocence/21655#.W2iVJLh9jIU


I had to start and end this with a judge picture, shepz1 verdict = down with the broken system!

Hope you are all having a superb week? I wish you all the best of fortunes.

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