Zuck: The Outrage of the herd

Sucks to Zuck


So coverage of the Zuckerberg congressional hearing is everywhere, but there is really nothing new. Anyone surprised by Facebook compiling and selling you data has to either have no understanding of economics, or doesn't read the ToS.

Business truths

Companies exist to make money. Facebook doesn't exist out of the goodness of Zuck's heart. He doesn't care about you, or your aunt Susan, or that nice elderly lady down the street who gives you surplus veggies from her garden. He cares about money. If you aren't paying to use the service, someone else is and they have to be getting something out of it. It is astounding that people didn't know that FB has been collecting and selling data to advertisers for ages. You are literally putting your opinions, shopping habits, and favorite brands all in a list for them to package and sell. If you aren't buying a product, then you are the product.


Read contracts

Anyone who cares about guns, as well as anyone with more than 2 brain cells, knows that ignorance is not a defense. If you voluntarily sign a contract with crappy terms and conditions, then that's on you. All the data collection FB does is listed in the ToS, but you signed it so sucks to be you. Maybe don't sign something you don't like next time. Or better yet, read.

Bottom line

This is just another example where either everyone is a literal idiot, or the masses have been spurred into fake outrage because they have been told that being mad is the encouraged and popular feeling.


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