Un-American University and Their Ties to the Russian Collusion Hoax

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The cast of characters in the Russia Hoax narrative seems to grow by the day, and has now extended to American University who it looks like had a dual role... people at the bottom doing some of the actual surveillance and those in the top administration who directed them. Who is operating the controls doing the bidding of the bad actors and where are the equipment nests facilitating the illegal surveillance is paramount to determining the decision trees and network vulnerabilities critical to our National Security. This provides an additional layer of protection from oversight if the parties who are operating the controls have no accountability to any U.S. Department.

Two of those involved were James Greier the Dean of the American University School of International Service, and University President Sylvia Mathews Burwell, an ex Clinton administration "fixer" and Obama admin holdover. American University is quite different from other colleges... it was established in the late 1800's by Theodore Roosevelt and now has campuses all over the world. It is one of the premier colleges for government service and journalism, not to mention surveillance. Having an international setting from which to work from makes the surveillance element much easier.

A research team consisting of former NSA officials William Binney and Kirk Wiebe and their Team Diana Roark and Ed Loomis, and several friends went to work to uncover the involvement of AU in the opposition to the Trump presidency, both before and after the election. One thing they found was that the faculty and students all have a blatant and strong political bias against President Trump and our U.S. Constitution. "American University, according to reports, has been a go to outside resource in Washington DC, for far left U.S. Government personnel including those who were the highest ranking during the Obama Administration, to facilitate foreign and domestic operations."

"Two of the main operatives for the bad guys, Bruce Ohr, a former senior ranking DOJ Official (who has already been giving helpful testimony due to him being caught continuing to interact with the FBI and Christopher Steel concerning the fabricated dossier outside of the legal protocol) and his wife Nellie Ohr who was receiving payment by Fusion GPS for her work on the dossier that her husband was one of the leading champions of that politically biased effort, are friends with James Greier the Dean of the American University School of International Service."

The Open Society Institute controlled by George Soros funds the Investigative News Network (INN), which the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University is part of and receives funding from them. Moreover, American University makes students who are in their School of International Service available to holdover Obama Administration personnel at DOJ, DOS, FBI, CIA, DIA, NRO, NGIA and Treasury, Free of U.S. Government oversight and without the knowledge of the Trump Administration according to reports... not to mention free of charge.

"American University hired an extremist from the Obama Administration, Sylvia Mathews Burwell, to be President of the University. Besides being a fixer between U.S. Departments during the Obama period, she also was a key operative during the Clinton Administration and tied leftist cabals together when President Obama took office. Susan Rice was also hired by American University."

They get away with this subversive activism citing academic freedom and the taxpayers pick up the tab. Notable AU alumni feature the poster children of the swamp, featuring establishment types from both sides of the aisle including Speaker Paul Ryan, former Sen. Robert Byrd, Gary Cohn, former Trump atty. Michael Cohen, and even the Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort. If President Trump is going to drain the swamp he's going to have to cast a very wide net indeed.




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