The British Are Coming, The British Are Coming: Trump/Russia Collusion Turns Into Obama/UK Collusion


There's been plenty written about how the Obama administration used the FBI and DOJ to spy on the Trump Campaign and later his presidency and how the now infamous "Steele Dossier" came to be through Fusion GPS via the DNC and the Clinton Campaign. Another willing partner, or should I say partners, were our "allies" Australia, New Zealand, Canada and most important the UK using the Five Eyes (FVEY) intelligence sharing apparatus. It seems that just as our FISA process needs to be renewed every 90 days, so too does the British Secret Service electronic intel gathering warrants.

I happened to find a portion of a top secret memo marked as such by GCHQ. In this memo, the computer/electronic intelligence arm of the British Secret Service (GCHQ) Director, Robert Hannigan, along with Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, requested such a warrant extension at the request of US President Barack Obama on August 28 of 2016 to conduct electronic surveillance on 725 5th Avenue, NY, NY- for the 5th and 26th floors.


As you can see this surveillance includes all foreign and domestic communications. It was also extended at the request of National Security Advisor Susan Rice to include the transition period following the election. It was done in an effort to skirt US laws governing the surveillance of political opponents which is illegal- by having the British initiate the surveillance the Obama administration would be off the hook... except that it was Obama himself that asked for the surveillance.

When the 20 redacted pages of the FISA warrant in the Carter Page case are finally released this is all likely to come out, as will the reason given for the redaction... "National Security." However, there is a problem with this as well. The redactions cited do not meet the requirements for national security, either in the spirit or the letter of the law. According to Executive Order 13526 of 2009... (P. 5)

Sec. 1.7. Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information
be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to
be declassified in order to:
(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;
(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;
(3) restrain competition; or
(4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection
in the interest of the national security.

Clearly the redactions in the Carter Page FISA warrant were to conceal violations of the law, not to mention prevent embarrassment to the Obama administration, as well as the FBI and DOJ. The entire Russia collusion house of cards was built on a foundation of the illegal and unethical behavior of a desperate administration determined to rig an election- thus perpetuating the Deep State criminal cabal and their money making enterprise. Plane loads of taxpayer money going through Iran to be rerouted into proxy wars and back into their own pockets... Selling 20% of our uranium reserves to a nation that has been a foe for decades... Selling state secrets to China by giving them access to unsecured servers...

The Obama administration wasn't a presidency, it was a criminal enterprise that Hillary Clinton was to carry on for another 8 years... but they got caught. Hopefully this will all come out and justice will finally be done. Britain, who is supposed to be an ally along with Canada, Australia and the other FVEY countries is no friend- they are at the root of the criminality.




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