It's Real: Hopefully My Last Word On The Hillary/Huma Sex Tape

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[I've wrestled most of the night about how, or even if I should post this, it's something I really wish I could unknow]

When I wrote the Night Gods it was because I suspected- given the revelations of the Pizzagate/Pedogate investigators- that this sort of behavior pervades the upper echelons of society as well as the halls of political power. In the Night Gods III I addressed the ritualistic aspects of this abhorrent behavior. As I wrote I did some very deep introspection... why is it that none of this behavior surprises me in the least- even though it wounded me deeply to describe it? I can't even begin to say how badly my heart ached when I wrote about the horrific things done to thee children.

Anyone that's been following me for any length of time knows about my own experiences at the hands of pedosadists and even though the Night Gods was a work of fiction, I believe that this type of behavior exists and the story needs to be told. But nothing I wrote, or anything in my wildest imagination could have come close to preparing me for the reality of what I was to learn. I got some criticism after the first couple of posts about the veracity of a story I knew to be true. It didn't bother me- but I found the questioning of Liz Crokin unacceptable. Liz lost a very promising career exposing this evil, not to mention got numerous threats against her life. What did bother me is that the detractors were people that hide behind phoney internet names. My name and where I live is on my page and I stand behind everything I've ever written.

This is the part I don't know how to write, so just let me say that I KNOW that the video exists and that's as far as I'm willing to go... Who in their right mind would admit to a federal crime, even if they saw it? Let me just say that I'm going to spend the rest of the day praying. Believe this- this video will NEVER be released.



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