Dodging A Bullet

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[I hope this is coherent- I'm so freaked out over court tomorrow I can barely focus. I've been up since 1:30 AM and this is the 4th or 5th thing I've tried to put together... ]

I've written many times that if you want to know what the future may hold in store, study the past... from an historical perspective. By now it's no secret that the election of Donald Trump threw a monkey wrench into the plot of the global elites... Hillary Clinton's corruption was so evident she couldn't even win an election that was, for all intents and purposes, rigged. The plan of the elites was that Hillary take over for Obama in what would amount to a 16 year presidency- both of them puppets for globalists seeking to impose global hegemony... one that would prove disastrous not only for America, but for humanity as a whole. Hillary and Obama's obvious corruption notwithstanding, this was a part of something much bigger and far more sinister than mere corruption... Something which the "death panels" of Obamacare was just the beginning.

Obama appointed a man named John Holdren as Science Czar- a man whose beliefs go back in history to the statist pessimism of Thomas Hobbes, the paranoia of Thomas Malthus and the elitist eugenics of Charles Darwin. Holdren, a radical environmental Luddite and hater of humanity is in favor of such practices as infanticide, forced abortions and forced sterilizations as part of population control... all buried in the over 2500 pages of the "Affordable Care Act." Holdren believes that human beings are the biggest threat to the environment and that trees deserve more rights than human beings. Instead of overseeing advancements in science and technology, Holdren wants to use them to "cull the herd," by cutting off aid to developing nations and allowing the "useless eaters" in third world countries die of starvation.

Dr. Webster Tarpley is an historian who, among other things, has debunked the Population Bomb, the 1968 book that takes an alarmist view of population growth... in actuality a thinly veiled racist screed much akin to Darwin's work. In effect all of the elitist plans, outlined on the Georgia Guidestones, are just the same Eugenicist plan that began with Darwin's work... remembering the end of the title "The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life"- and continued through Hitler and now Planned Parenthood If Hillary had become elected and continued with the plan, by the time all was said and done, the combined efforts of Hitler, Stalin and Mao would pale in comparison. If you want to see what the outcome and cost in terms of human life of a Hillary presidency would have been, I thoroughly suggest you watch Dr. Tarpley's video... it will give you an appreciation for President Trump's efforts.

GIF by @papa-pepper


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