What Is Maxine Waters Affraid Of?

Have you noticed how hysterical and virulent certain individuals have become ever since Donald Trump announced his intention to run for President? And some more so, now that he has become President of the United States of America?

There are quite a few unhinged liberal-left movie stars and Democrat politicians out there but one of the most unhinged has been Maxine Waters. Her anti-Trump screeds are often bordering on phsychotic and you have to wonder why?

In the following Tweet, Ben Shapiro nails it!

Fox News (@FoxNews) Tweeted:
.@benshapiro: "Don't you have to ask why @MaxineWaters, maybe the most corrupt Congress-person in America, is the one pushing impeachment?" #Outnumbered https://t.co/DSCDHSIn6m

#DrainTheSwamp President Trump!👌


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