The Truth about Human Origins you'll never learn in school..

The Ancient Sumerian Culture is the 1st Civilization in recorded History;

So why aren't we taught about them in school?

  • The Sumerian History dictates that 445,000 Years ago "Creator Gods" came to Earth.

  • The only inhabitants on Earth at that time were wild animals and the early ape like ancestors of man..

  • These Creator Gods were known as Annunaki...

  • which means, Those who from Heaven came to Earth..

  • They said they came from a planet in OUR Solar System named Nibiru ..

  • The Annunaki came because they needed Gold to repair their Planets atmosphere..

  • They had a slave work force of an inferior race to them; this race was called the "Igigi"..

  • The Igigi rebelled in an uprising, due to the terribly harsh working conditions;
    causing the termination of nearly all the workforce.

  • We were created as a replacement..

  • Humans were a genetic Hybrid from a Homo Erectus, and the Annunaki themselves.

  • The Annunaki were Giant compared to us.

  • We were just intelligent enough to work their instruments.

  • Humans were more easily controlled, shorter lived, and thus had a shorter memory than the Igigi..

  • We had no choice, and were taught to "Worship", and Serve our "Gods"..

  • Because we were designed to serve the Annunaki, we were "educated"

  • Annunaki taught us Mathematics, Astronomy and Science, technological engineering, social skills, and most importantly how to feed ourselves..

  • Some Annunaki bred with the Lovely Human Women and the resulting offspring would come to be known as the "Nephillim"

Pretty heavy truth to acknowledge.

We were ALL of Us created as Slaves to be controlled in every way.

In our numbers

In our Thoughts

In our Desires,

the things we strive for, and endeavor to do or be

and THAT my Friends is why your children will NOT be learning this Truth in School.

it's why you didn't learn it in 1st grade;
and it's why you didn't learn it in middle school,
or High School,
or College

Universe Inside You is a YouTube Content Creator

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