Fact Check: Our History is intentionally Hidden: Rabbit holes are everywhere by design, to keep us confused..

So many rabbit holes, so little time.

To go forward, we must first go back to the beginning...

We are not Free, and we continue to become less free all the time..

it is this lack of freedom which prevents us from knowing the Truth..

`freedom |ˈfrēdəm|
the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint

• absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government: phwww freedom.

• the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved: the big fish thrashed its way to freedom.

• the state of being physically unrestricted and able to move about and travel easily without hindrance.

• the power of self-determination attributed to the will; the quality of being independent of fate or necessity.

• unrestricted use of something: the dog is happy having the freedom of the yard when we are out.

• archaic familiarity or openness in speech or behavior. Free Speech without restrictions`

Who are we?

How did we get here?

What is the Truth about Human Origins?

Who were (for want of a better word) the Atlanteans?

for now let's not worry ourselves about Who is really controlling Humanity?

Whether it's the Jews, the Jesuits, the illuminati, the free masons, does it really matter?

We need to look at this without going down any rabbit holes!!

What is in our past that is so terrible as to be destroyed, and rubbed out from our memory.

is it that we are a slave species?

As far back as you can go in western civilization the memory of Atlantis has been systematically wiped out, everything from Ancient texts, to giant human skeletons..

The Library of Alexandria had so many scrolls from this lost global civilization, that it took 18 months to burn them all as fuel to heat the baths of the temple!!

So many Battles in post ice age Europe that the origin of various peoples are shrouded in mystery.
and how did they so quickly go from stone tools to Steel swords after the ice age?

What did actually happen?

The Human Genome project has raised more questions than modern science would care to answer..
The out of Africa theory does not fit with the timeline; the various differences between the races, and the timeline is to short to allow for evolutionary differences in race..

The differences between the early hominids is too great to allow for evolution into Neanderthal, and Cromagnon man; too many changes, too many strange differences; subcutaneous fat, lack of a penile bone, skull shape, and brain size..
there are signs that the Human Genome has been tampered with...

i plan on delving into that in future posts..

so at least a few of you who upvote are real folks who read the posts i have been writing for the information War..
i am trying hard to figure this all out; help me if you can.
Right Now is the time because we are in clear and present danger my friends, with 5G rolling out, and so very many other detrimental things to consider.

is there a way to look at this logically without going down any rabbit holes?

i need to know;
because somehow this is all connected to what is going on with de-population agenda today;
i feel it in the Earth, i feel it in my bones....

We could talk about Reptilians all day but none of that is provable, at least Sasquatch leaves tracks, and thousands of eyewitness sightings provide information and data.. not so with reptilians..
do you see what i'm getting at?

i have been down many, many rabbit holes, they do not lead anywhere

however they do confirm certain facts....

just the facts

not the theories..

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