A New Paradigm for Politicals No more Left vs Right Now it's Top vs Bottom(Yes I'm a Top)

For quite some time I've been pondering how to address the false dichotomy presented to us of right vs left, how every four years or so we're presented with a choice between different lawyers and told that there is some kind difference if we elect the one or the other.
I laughed at the wave of euphoria that accompanied the election of Barrack Obama around the world. Noting that his election was a giant propaganda coup for the United States changing how the USA was perceived for no reason whatsoever. I'm laughing even harder now as everyone around me engages in non-stop, consecutive eight minute hates against Donald Trump again for no reason whatsoever!
The level of emotional involvement people have with the drama play enacted periodically astounds me. Like @everretmickey says right wing left wing, same bird, a vulture!
I noticed this growing up every four years or so the opposite party would be elected and half the people were happy that everything was finally going to be done right and the other half of the people were loudly complaining about the road to ruination that we were on and nothing was ever going to be the same. Flip, rinse, repeat ad nauseum!
Well today I saw a video that really lays out what's important
Not right vs left but top vs Bottom with bottom being any " ism" that cedes authoritarian control over you or your stuff vs the top being self-ownership, liberty, equality before the law and the right to be judged on merit alone.

Here is the video I hope you find it insightful!

Matt Kibbe
The Deadly Isms Episode 1: Up From Totalitarianism
Published on Aug 23, 2017

This is my first post under the #informationwar tag I hope you enjoyed my irreverent take on the paradigm shift that we are witnessing, where words are starting to mean something again.
Long Live Truth!

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