Crony Capitalism Creates Socialist Ideals for America's Youth

I find the United States of America is not a Free market that practices Capitalism. After the Economic Crash of 2008 I can't even understand an argument against the fact that the U.S. does not practice Corporate Socialism. Wall Street alone has proven the fact that they socialize losses to the people, all the while our government protects Corporate interests and does not practice a free market principal of letting these Financial Tyrants fail. It's no wonder the younger generations are looking more and more to Socialism. They have grown up watching the U.S. Government give away Trillions of dollars post 9-11 to Corporate America, rocketing the 1% into massive incredible profits, while the working class continues to struggle and barely survive.


The American Defenses Contractors are in a league of their own. The Pentagon has a yearly Budget of 700 Billion dollars and historically spends thousands of dollars more over cost on
products for a mystery of reasons. Recently the Pentagon can't account for 21 trillion dollars in spending.

Defense Contractor Boeing which is not hurting for business, just received a record tax break of 8.7 Billion dollars from the state of Washington, the largest tax break ever offered to any Corporation in the U.S.. Considering it is American taxpaying dollars that pay for Boeing's profit margin and America has been in a constant state of war this century. It's hard to believe Boeing needed the assistance.



There is plenty of evidence that Amazon is using the U.S. Government's Postal Service shipping packages for Amazon at a cost private package carriers like Fed-ex and UPS can not meet, getting special shipping deals that that the USPS is not even required to make that information public, even with a freedom of information request. "According to a recent analysis by Citigroup, the Postal Service should be charging Amazon $1.46 more per package than the $2 or so it does now."-Washington Examiner




Stadiums and Sports Team Owners are well known for holding cities hostage over new stadium construction. According to Harvard University's urban planning professor Judith Grant Long: "taxpayer foots on average 70 percent of the bill, with often not a penny coming out of the pockets of the team or its owners. The rest of the funding comes from tax-exempt municipal bonds supported under the G4 stadium loan program, which provides loans in return for revenue generated from ticket sales and premium seating."

Billionaire's wealthy enough to pay for their own stadium and profiting millions in revenues, and yet the cities must literally pay millions to house a NFL team while public infrastructure in most cities with NFL teams crumbles. Schools, and roads in disrepair, and the employment brought in by a franchise is minuscule. Not to mention Team Owners hold cities hostage by threatening to move to other cities if perfectly decent existing stadiums are not closed down for brand new Billion dollar sports temples.


It's no wonder American youth have had an infatuation with Socialism. They have seen the free market destroyed by Corporate takeover of many Government Offices. Politicians openly support Corporations first and foremost while the public has never been worse off financially. The devestation of 2008 showed the collusion between our Government and Corporate America on a scale never witnessed before. The thinking for young Americans enthralled by Socialism is, if we have Trillions in Taxpayer money to help out a handful of already wealthy people, than is it not only fair to spend a Trillion dollars for the greater good.

Corporate America is Socialism on a grand scale benefiting a very small fraction of the public
We will not be able to stop Socialism's rise in ideals in the U.S. until we have a truly fair and open market that doesn't cater to only large interests.




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