Thought Of The Day - I Wouldn't Even

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Means, I Will Not

I was going to write about the coordinated bomb attacks on Christians churches in Sri Lanka, which killed 290 people and injured more than 500 over the Passover weekend. The reason I'm not is because I want to do the story justice and put thorough research into it before giving my opinion and thoughts on it.

Some interesting developments that have happened in the UK during last week and over the weekend, had me laughing in stitches. So according to the bastions of news and providing unbiased information to the public, the mainstream establishment media in the UK covered a UKIP news conference, where they officially announced their new MEP's for the upcoming European elections on May 23. No other than YouTubers Sargon of Akkad and Count Dankula, both are pretty much classical liberals and strong supporters of free speech which has been heavily under attack in the UK as of late. Dankula was in the news last year because he taught his pug to do the Nazi salute when he said "gas the Jews", and was found guilty by a judge of hate speech. Sargon was also accused of breaking political correctness laws a few years ago when he tweeted and a politician, "I wouldn't even rape you".

"You can't just slander someone, defame them, lie about them. You can't incite people to crime. There's all sorts of reasonable restrictions on free speech that are already codified in the British common-law system." - Jordan Peterson

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So obviously all the media could focus on for the last few days was the "rape tweet" as they have called it, which in itself is disingenuous, because by definition it's the opposite of a rape tweet, it an anti-rape tweet. However the media aren't in the business of selling the truth, they're in the business of getting views, just imagine how many people would click a news story with a headline, "YouTuber-turned-UKIP candidate sent anti-rape tweet 3 years ago"? That's not the kind of story that gets people talking, but what does get people talking is when you smear them as something they are not, bend the truth just a tiny little bit and label the person as 'alt-right' or extreme right wing, you know just almost calling them fascist.

During the press conference obviously the same question kept coming up, the press wanted only to know about the "anti-rape tweet" and asked if he was sorry about it, Sargon's reply was just spectacular.

"I'm not going to apologise for my crimes against political correctness, I hate political correctness,"

"Not one of you can tell me what I believe… I’ve been doing this for five years, I have nearly a million subscribers, just go have a look… I’m not apologising for anything you dirty, dirty smear merchants."

That is how you deal with the media, never apologies. The entire reasoning behind his tweet was to to be a cleaver tweet that he knew the media would take out of context and try turn back on him, and they did just what he intended it to do. This is the same formula Trump used to get constant free publicity, it's a genius strategy and the media can't help itself. All I can say is Kekmate media.

"Of all the threats to free speech in history, the one the media give the most credibility to without question is the feminist movement, which is trying to rebrand public debate as harassment." - Milo Yiannopoulos

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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