Foreign left-leaning reporter journalists approach on Venezuela: An Abby Martin short analysis.

Quick note: As I will try to make an fair approach on how the journalist does its work, i'm totally biased against socialism altogether. So you can skip any rant I do against socialism if you want. But you can't deny the facts that will be presented.

Yesterday, I posted my opinion about how foreign media covers the news about Venezuela. I read a comment by @jdh7190:

I can sympathize with this - very difficult to find any trustworthy news on what is happening there.

What do you think of Abby Martin's journalism on Venezuela?

(Then, he postes a video link)

(has more videos while there too)

She does work for TeleSur now, who you point out in the article. I do like her, understanding that she is a bit biased toward socialism, however her work while in the country was balanced I thought.

She actually went down there which is more than what most 'journalists' have done prior publishing about this subject.

Well, I did the homework. I watched ALL of it. What I will do in this post is to point out every point that I could disagree on with links of sources that contradict claims, explanations or both.

Because I believe some of you guys will not see the video, i'll try to be as clear as I can:

Video #1: Abby Martin & Venezuela's Minister of Economic Planning:

And I can write more about it, but, you guys can get my point. While I was watching, I had my notes on my wordpad, just pointing out that I had more stuff to share, but I want to get to the point:

There's something that really bothered me at the 11:00 mark:

When Abby asked the Minister about something, she said:

Break the reality on the ground

WTF? So the guy gives facts without real support and she asks the question assuming him would tell the truth?

At that moment, I knew she wasn't a bit biased. She is plainly biased.

But I had to check how she covered the counterpart, to see if the reporting was "fair".

First of all, check her Youtube Channel

She does not cover opposition leaders, the only video that is shown as a counterpart covers only the opposition protestors.

Video 2: Abby Martin Meets the Venezuelan Opposition

While what's has been covered was done live, most of the claims are true. Just want to point out that some of the deaths attributed to protestors, were not even from the actual unrest, it was a looting that happened far from the place of the protests, but happened in those days.

Also the official dead count rose to 127.

The journalist also points out some harassment from protestors product of a blackmail campaign. While her claims are true, some of the twitter accounts mentioned in the video have no proper identification (fairly anonymous or names that can't be verified), that could be associated with fake accounts. I pointed out this in my post about #fakenews in Venezuela:

Castellanos explains that "the generation of fake news intends to generate confusion, and uses known profiles to be reinforced. That's where the subject goes out of hand, because it's not just the propaganda laboratories, and it's worrisome. People who work in reputation, what comes to be white hat, do not do that work, simply generate content based on positive life, and expose it to download links in a search engine". On the outsourcing of advertising agencies with expertise in social networks to improve the image of a person on the Internet. "In the case of black hat hacker, it is another issue and that is what they work in Venezuela. Information, news and false accusations to modify the thinking of the masses. We speak of manipulation. In Venezuela they are leaders in that kind of content", he laments. He agrees with Díaz about the role of the Russians: "they do not play in Venezuela".

Sometimes #fakenews is spread by these bots favoring opposition parties in order to create confusion, investigate deserters or traitors, and counter any enemies of the regime.


I believe Abby Miller is fully biased towards socialism and follows her own propagandistic anti-US agenda by favoring government claims about situation in Venezuela. While she is an independent journalist, her work always leans left. She does a good job covering the news from the Government institutions from Venezuela, spreading Government propaganda and reinforcing it as the truth, manipulating facts. She uses true facts to grab the attention and the confidence of her audience, and then she throws bits of #fakenews to mislead people to believe everything she claims.

@jdh7190 quoted this:

She actually went down there which is more than what most 'journalists' have done prior publishing about this subject.

It's true, she went there. Because she was allowed. But Al Jazeera (left leaning media BTW) reporters were not allowed to enter months before. And that's just one of many cases.

It is our duty to spread the truth. If you agree, i invite you to resteem the post.

The Information War is real.


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