Uh...standing for my culture, AND AMERICAN FOUNDING PRINCIPLES...does not make me a "white supremacist."

Twenty years ago no one would have stood for this smear. Most Americans still stood for America's founding principles--even though they were written by a bunch of old white guys. Why? Because they WORKED, MANIFESTLY, to make this the greatest and freest nation in the history of the modern world. Even black folks who actually read for themselves mostly agreed that the Constitution set the framework for all the things the snowflakes are now after...private property, laissez faire capitalism, (which we haven't has since the 1870s, btw...) our personal liberties, limited government, etc. Our Constitution isn't perfect, but it is STILL the best ever devised by the mind of man...best for EVERYONE of every skin tone.

(Image courtesy of cnn.com.)

"My people" were harassed and harried out of their homes, placed on rotting and unseaworthy ships--many of which sunk with the loss of all hands--and sent hundreds of miles from their homes. "My people" were then chased into the wilderness and pursued for decades, being deported (or re-deported) if/when caught. Our farmhouses, churches and villages were burned to the ground. Our families were ripped apart to never be united, etc., etc. If you don't believe me, Google up "Acadian deportations"

That was WHITE people of privilege doing this stuff to other white people, and it was not just in the case of the Acadians. Check out what has happened throughout history to the Scottish Highlanders, the Catholic Irish, the Boers of South Africa...and the list goes on, and on.

(Image courtesy of bullshit.ist.)

It is NOT ABOUT "WHITE PRIVILEGE." It is about ELITE PRIVILEGE and the power of wealth, and it always has been.

So, my little snowflake and millennial friends, please THINK before you mouth the socialist and inaccurate memes of your socialist and inaccurate college professors, and read a little ON YOUR OWN.

White (and lighter-skinned) people of whatever European heritage have every bit as much right to be proud of their heritage as any other melanin-count race you may want to care to bring up. THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEM RACIST, and it certainly doesn't make them "white supremacists."

Grow up, and stop judging people by their skin color.

The real enemy is entrenched, ill-gotten wealth being used to promote global slavery.

Now THAT is a meme you can bank on, and use with TRUTH.

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