More on the back story to American hostility towards Venezuela.

In order to understand why naval units are stationed off the Venezuelan coast as I write this, and why we keep hearing more and more bellicose (and unexplained) hostile and warlike statements out of Washington directed at the impoverished nation of Venezuela, we need to know more about the OIL extraction HISTORY of that nation, and it's South American neighbors who also happened to have any substantial oil reserves.

The current bellicosity stems from the earliest days of Rockefeller exploration in South America, first under "The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey" (until it was "broken up" in 1911 in a fraudulent "Anti-trust" action, that really kept all the assets under Rockefeller control) and one of its successor units, The Creole Petroleum Corporation. I've written before in these pages about the United Fruit Company (UFC,) and how they made Central America safe for American oil prospecting, and how they made most of the small nations of the region mere fiefdoms of the Rockefeller interests, despite their comparative lack of major oil reserves. It is from UFC's Rockefeller machinations that we get the term "banana republic."

In the case of Venezuela, UFC was involved to some degree in the early days of Rockefeller contact, but especially after 1911 it was "Creole Petroleum" that raped the resources of the country, and, at various times, brought down the wrath of Venezuela's elected leaders. At other times, the rapine nature of oil extraction would continue less abated, as the top politicians, often including the President, were often pawns of the Rockefellers, and well "on the take."

More recently, that has not been the case again, and we are in a portion of the cycle, where "Communists" (or not Communist...depending on your world view and your definitions) leadership is less amenable to Rockefeller interests.

This quote from a fascinating book by one of the Rockefeller's many unauthorized biographers, Dr. Emanuel Josephson of New York City, and titled "Rockefeller 'Internationalist'" is very apropos:

"In accord with the family policy of avoiding any open association with the Standard Oil companies (i.e. post breakup, ed.) Nelson (son of J.D. Rockefeller, 3rd and former New York Governor...ed.) for a time served on the directorate of the Creole Petroleum Company. ...In this connection, Nelson proved that he was possessed of the astuteness, the aggressiveness and the grasp of his Rockefeller grandfather...”

The book then continues to talk about how Nelson, after being appointed to a make-work position inside the State Department by Truman, went about using $6 billion of taxpayers' money to woo South American leaders, especially the Argentines and Venezuelans. It even talks about Nelson Rockefeller's support for “modern art” and highlights how he supported South American freak artists, with the purposed of helping to denigrate the morals of the people.

By the means of taxpayer largess, the Rockefellers were able to ingratiate themselves with pliable politicians in South America to the point where they were often able to procure very generous (to them, but not to the people of those countries) “concessions” for the development of their oilfields. The deals were supposed to have a certain percentage of the oils' value returned to the national governments in the form of subsidies, but then the book continues:

“...the Standard Oil interests (i.e. Creole Petroleum...ed.) were indicted in Venezuela on the order of President Medina for the theft of $200 million in oil by means of false registry of tanker capacity. A settlement, rumored to be $9 million was made, and the indictment was quashed. Medina was then ousted and fled to New York to become a neighbor of the Rockefellers on Park Avenue.”

(The current Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro.)

And this was, by no means, an outlier regarding Rockefeller behavior in South America, and specifically in Venezuela. Theft was only one of their many means for “maximizing profits at any cost,” even up to and including the death of anyone standing in their way.

Astute readers of these pages already know that the U.S. State Department and the C.I.A. have been involved in the assassination of many Central and South American leaders, political and otherwise. Anyone who dares to stand up to Rockefeller oil interests TO THIS DAY is deemed persona non grata by the D.C. swamp. The swamp truly is an OIL SWAMP and the C.I.A. is the Rockefeller's PRIVATE INTELIGENCE ARM and private army.

Some may remember how Venezuela's previous President, Hugo Chavez (also, like Maduro, accused of being a Communist) deeply embarrassed the Washington oil establishment by selling cheap heating oil, far below the listed price here in the U.S., to New England residents back 10-15 years ago. That type of embarrassment will, apparently, no longer be permitted.

I do not have all the answers to why the Venezuelan economy is in such a deplorable state at present, and that is not the type of information that Americans are likely to hear about (or find) easily. I do not know if Chavez, Maduro and other historical Venezuelan Presidents could (or should) rightly be called Communists or populists, but I strongly suspect C.I.A./Rockefeller/big oil has a very strong hand in whatever is going on down there. Could they be hoping that choking the Venezuelan economy hard enough will wind up putting Maduro's head on a platter? I don't know. But it sure does seem suspicious that the people of one of the resource-richest nations on Earth are so close to starvation. You can blame “communists” if you like, and you might be right. But DO NOT underestimate the “blowback” to/toward “American oil interests” as a possible part of any accurate understanding.

(Nelson Rockefeller.)

Maduro, like his predecessor, is a Rockefeller/oily-Amerika dissident and hold out, as is much of Latin America these days, so if Trump does eventually act militarily, the given justifications are very likely not going to have very much to do with the truth. Remember this article if that comes about.

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