Clearing up the globalist/NWO-propaganda about the French "yellow vest" protestors. Thanks to C-FACT.

There is a bunch of bogus propaganda in the international press, on the internet, and here on Steemit, even, as to what the real goals are of the street protests in Paris, and other parts of France. These are best described as anti-liberal, anti-U.N.-Climatetard, and anti-Communist. They are NOT, as many are suggesting, left-wing in orientation. They are not protesting for more benefits. They are protesting further efforts by Euro-elitists to further impoverish the French middle class, to enact nonsensical "carbon taxes" (by way of additional new higher gasoline taxes, that Macron has already yanked.) These protests cross all political divides within France and draw from all sectors of the populace.

It is a populist revolt against Eurocentric/globalist/Climategate insanity, and it is the POPULISM that has so many upset. This is the French people, from all walks of life, coming together to protest Malthusian elitism, and the elite's insane ideas about the nature of reality.

Check out this link:

C-FACT is the foremost authority on the U.N. Gaia-worshiping agendas that seek to further ensnare humanity in draconian "solutions" to a non-existent problem. The sun cycles are responsible for long-term climate change, and the people of this planet have nothing to do with it. We could stop driving every car on the planet tomorrow, shut down all industrial production, and the climate cycles underway would continue as if nothing happened (because nothing significantly impacting long-term global climate change would have.)

Consider this excerpt:

"The gilets jaunes (French for "yellow vests") represent a broad cross section of the French working and middle classes. They are butchers, bakers and automobile makers. They are the folks who drive the trucks, farm the food, build the buildings and fix what breaks. They are France. They have had enough. The gilets jaunes took over a large toll station on the road to Marseilles. CFACT was there. They narrowed the lanes, but allowed traffic to pass. Toll collectors and police left them completely in charge. The protestors did not allow motorists to pay the toll. They are prepared to starve leviathan.

France, like many European nations, has gone much further down the UN climate road than Americans have. They are already feeling the pain that Californians and so many others have in store. Climate taxes on fuel to pay for inefficient, variable wind and solar power and other climate fantasies are a waste, and the folks in the yellow vests know it. They refuse to redistribute more of what they earn in the name of global warming. They realize that climate taxes are regressive, and resent the elites with the means to take confiscatory taxes in stride. President Macron has vowed to suppress and outlast the protestors. He has no idea. He also has no friends among them."

This is NOT a disturbing trend, despite what the MSM talking heads (even at Faux News) might tell you. It is very encouraging. These protests are actually on the behalf of ALL OF US. What happens in France will reflect when, how, and how far the globalist climate-agenda agents of the elite will go to push carbon taxes on our side of the pond.

Do not let their libtard allies here misrepresent what is really going on in France.

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