AS YOU CAN SEE...Radical socialists do not NOT want you reading this blog.

I have been under a consistent, automated, unprovoked, purely ideologically-driven, NON-REPLIED TO (save once..when blatantly threatened) downvoting program run by avowed socialists for the past two days.

This is how socialism operates, as we've seen played out, over and over again on the national stage. They can not engage conservatives/patriots/Christians on the basis of logical debate, so they simply seek to silence the right of those who oppose their tyranny to publicly resist them and/or to be heard. Their favorite tactic is to display their hatred of all things traditional, decent, moral and essentially American by screaming "hate" at anyone who challenges their agendas.

Please take note. Socialism, btw, is simply gradualized Communism, and their ultimate objective is to erase borders and create an omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent global government. That is the real reason socialists and progressives are so irate at attempts to seal our border from hordes of undocumented, unvetted foreign terrorists, and bogus "asylum seekers." They want out border erased FOR REAL. It's not a game to these people. They truly think that the answer to an-out-of-control, big-brother, police/surveillance state government in D.C., is to TAKE IT GLOBAL AND TO GIVE IT UNLIMITED POWER.

Be forewarned. Oh...and drop me an upvote if you want to help keep my blog visible. A HUGE THANK YOU to those who are helping!!

Thanks and God bless!

EDITED TO ADD: FYI...When these attacks began in a concerted fashion on Sunday I began re-posting my articles in an effort to force my attackers to at least burn some voting power, and it worked to a degree. I stopped when it became clear that their spamming my account with all those automated downvotes would be parlayed into an effort to call ME the spammer (more socialist transference) and get others to join their downvoting spree. I apologize-- to any who saw my efforts to feebly "fight back" against people with thousands of times my SP in any way I could think to do-- if any took offense at these re-postings.

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