Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: It Was All Just One Big Mistake, Honest!

"Verified Hate For Me But Not For Thee"

Today at the Transparency & Accountability Hearing, Oklahoma Representative Mullin read Sarah Jeong's anti-White tweets to Jack Dorsey during the Twitter CEO's testimony to Congress. Mr. Mullin pressed Dorsey about Twitter's bias against conservative accounts on the social media giants platform.

Mullen highlighted the suspension of Candice Owens. Owens who re-worded one of Jeong's Tweets exchanged the word jew in place of White.


Owens was locked out of her account and forced to delete her tweet

A campaign to highlight VerifiedHate on Twitter discovered Sarah Jeong's numerous anti-White Tweets along with thousands of similar anti-White Tweets from hundreds of verified Twitter users. Jeong who works for the NY Times as a technology writer was never suspended from Twitter for her anti-White tweets. Dorsey denied Twitter of having any political bias and claimed that his company had "made a mistake" in the suspension of Candice Owens.


Conservatives point to instances such as Sarah Jeong's hate-filled rants as proof of political bias by Social Media companies who protect leftist speech while censoring conservative speech.



#SMACA is a legislative proposal put forth by, Attorney, Josh Smith who specializes in constitutional law. SMACA would protect freedom of speech on Major Social Media Outlets, and has been lauded as the easy solution of ensuring that freedom of speech, in what amounts to the virtual public square, will be protected for everyone regardless of political affiliation by thousands of proponents of the proposed legislation.

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