Globo-Homo Hates Populism, And Hungarians

EU Bureaucrats Trigger Article 7 Sanctions Against Victor Orban's Hungary

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In a recent CNN op-ed penned by, Guy Verhofstadt, the former Belgian prime minister suggests that the US and EU should intervene in Hungary's decision to stop the flow of invaders into the west, calling for economic sanctions against the "populist" leader. EU traitors are up in arms that one of the major gateways to the west has decided to act as a wall stopping the hordes of invaders flooding into Europe. In an Ironic twist, the unelected "European Parliament" voted to sanction Hungary for "cracking down on democratic institutions."

"Political and financial costs must be attached to governments pursuing an authoritarian path and support provided to civil society organizations and the citizens of Hungary, who deserve much better than this."

Guy, seems very worried about Hungary's unwillingness to flood its nation with Africans. Hungarians chose to secure their borders from hostile foreigners via democratic elections. What Guy Verhofstadt and other EU bureaucrats would decide for the Eastern European nation is total ruination and displacement of the Hungarian people.

"In the coming weeks and months, the international community -- and the United States in particular -- must heed our warning and act: Hungary's government is a threat to the rules-based international order."

This guy comes off as a tyrannical maniac. He is filled up to his eyeballs with fear. The window is closing on the demographic replacement of Europeans being a sure thing. He understands that he and his cohorts are out of time. The desperation in this op-ed is palpable.

"This is not in the interests of the people of America or Europe. We need to stop him -- now."

This "Guy" is unhinged. Trump is the President of The United States of America who is another "populist" leader, so why is this arrogant scum appealing to the US? EU bureaucrats have far more disdain for President Trump Than they do for Orban. The US should be placing sanctions on the EU for human rights violations for the ethnic cleansing and genocide of native European populations.

Italy, Hungary, Poland, and Austria should leave the EU and create an economic block of their own. The EU Parliament is a tyrannical regime of unelected bureaucrats who threaten democracy and the rule of law. No one elected any of these hate-filled lunatics who are hell-bent on flooding the west with millions and millions of Africans. Victor Orban was elected with a mandate to stop the flow of invaders into the West. Liars who claim to love democracy only do so when the democratic process goes their way. When the tide of democracy turns against the left, democracy becomes populism. Globo-homo believed they were going to replace Europeans without us figuring out what was happening before it was too late. The Internet came into being at a crucial junction, and now the elite are panicking. Letting their mask slip. Making mistakes.

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