Rumored witness to a Clinton Foundation-tied case dead in house explosion.

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You know, if it wasn't so damn old at this point, it'd almost be amusing to note certain things the official report leaves out. Sure, they mention the elderly couple that lived in that house for decades. He worked for a funeral home, she was a retired school nurse....

But there's whisperings afoot that the retired school nurse was set to testify against Clinton Foundation donors, Mylan NV (those douchebags that jacked up the price of EpiPens)

... and that the CEO of Mylan is the daughter of Democratic Senator, Joe Manchin.

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I'm trying to follow up regarding the whole "being a federal witness" thing.

And if there's any Feds that read my posts, just a suggestion: get video testimony of witnesses before any official paperwork to subpoena them happens... because if it relates to taking down super-corrupted, then being called as a federal witness is basically a death sentence if/when their name gets leaked.

I mean, just ask John Ashe.

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