Gaetz on Spygate: The Epoch Times

Epoch Times Majisms

The Epoch Times is fast becoming the NEW mainstream News. With many failed attempts by Youtubers to take over that spot from the Chinese Communist Party Sponsored Fake News Media, it has become apparent; Youtube will not allow their platform to be used for dissemination of real news.

Fox News has been the most disappointing to me, and in my opinion the most dangerous. Simply because they add more truth, but still keep pushing the left agenda daily. Remember, unlike the National Socialist of Germany , or the Social Socialist of Russia; in America the plan was Progressivism. To constantly progress towards total control. They will fail.

The following are from The Epoch Times' Thought Leaders series on the Russian Collusion Hoax. Can you spot the difference between reporting and propagandizing ?

Rep. Matt Gaetz on Spygate, Barr Hearings, and the Attempted Coup Against Trump:

‘No Way Obama Was Not Told’ - Former Intel Officer Tony Shaffer on Spying on Trump Campaign:

Michael Anton: FISA Spying, Mueller Report and Barr Hearing Vindicate “Flight 93 Election” Essay:

Larry Elder Talks Mueller Report, Jussie Smollett & Most Credible 2020 Democratic Candidate:

Victor Davis Hanson: Mueller Probe Could Backfire on Those Who Fabricated Russia-Collusion Narrative:

Jasper Fakkert: Conclusion of Mueller Russia Collusion Probe Confirms Epoch Times’ Reporting:

Russia Collusion Peddlers Will Turn on Each Other—Trump 2020 Adviser Steven Rogers:

Tony Shaffer: Shocking Use of FISA by Obama's FBI to Spy on Trump Campaign:

Tom Fitton: Spygate “The Worst Corruption Scandal in American History”:

Rep. Louie Gohmert: Why We Need to Investigate the FISA Process:

Jason Meister: Trump Campaign Adviser Calls for Investigation Into Origins of Russia Collusion Narrative:

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