A totally non scientific connection of dots...interesting none the less...


During this last days of posting's about the Rothschild, I have spent a lot of time looking at pictures - and more importantly - faces ( genetic similarities add weight to any argument).

While this can and does lend authenticity to bloodlines, etc, I have a problem with this form of research.

Namely that I am totally crap at it.

If you gave me sample photo's of identical twins, I would struggle to see the similarities.
(just not one of my talents, I'm afraid)
This is not a new thing - I have been aware of this inability all my life - to see family similarities in faces.
It just does 'not happen' with me.


Angela Merkel has been under the spotlight lately, with a view to possible family connection's with Hitler.

Namely she is his daughter.
I am as cynical as the rest -and may be more so than a lot of people - but with all my research of late, I am finding myself not jumping to conclusions, and instead just seeing where the evidence leads...

....enter my girlfriend....

Lucy has zero interest in international politics, or history.
While she knows the face of Hitler, Merkel was an unknown to her.

One thing Luce is fantastic at - is seeing genetic similarities in families.
This I have seen in action, countless time in real life....

SO I thought I would try an experiment............

I placed pictures I found of Hitler and Merkel together - (As well as Hitlers mum, next to Merkel) and presented them to Luce.

She was unequivocal (especially after seeing Hitlers mum ).

"That is definitely his child!", She said, after 20 seconds of scouring the photo's.

What do you think? (my opinion is pointless)



I can kinda see similarities, truth be told.
More importantly...
IF this is truly the case... and IF Hitler was indeed of Rothschild's genes....this would mean we have a Rothschild's bloodline, now leading Europe politically. (and for the last few years...)

....And her communistic politics of the 'One Europe' resonate with the Rothchild's one world government...

Are there any 'qualified' people (whatever that means), out there to substantiate this observation?

Photo source https://50shadesofpissedoff.com

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