Seeing Through Hypocrisy?

On occasions I catch myself wondering in the back of my mind if my blessings are also curses. Consider, for example, you were able to instantly see through the BS or know someone is trying to sell you a bill of goods. It would be wonderful to be almost impervious to flattery, to be hard to deceive, or difficult to easily persuade. However, on the opposite side of the coin, it is near impossible to ever believe the very things that 'just feel good' in lieu of making sense. It would be difficult to assume that people mean what they say, or have no ulterior motives, that the government cares about you, and a host of other things that 'feel good.' Most people are NOT OK with having a world where psychological comfort is so sparse, making them all too ready to believe whatever they hear or see.

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In this complete crock of 'you know what' statement, we see a lot of hypocrisy and irony. We wont even strongly touch on the comical mention of the expense of the wall when our government spends hundreds of millions of dollars on studies of useless factoids that serve little purpose. Or hundreds of millions, even billlions on botched programs, subsidies, and foreign welfare. Trillions on endless war, constant pay increases, and inflating bureaucratic budgets... It's safe to say being fiscally conservative is a trait which has long since been largely exorcised from the halls of power like a possessive demon.

If we assumed that this statement was true in any way, it begs a lot of interesting questions:

  • Why do we build prison walls if they are ineffective?
  • Why do we build walls around military bases if they are ineffective?
  • Why do we build walls and fences to protect the politicians from the people if they are ineffective?
  • Is taking standard or reasonable defensive measures always ineffective?
  • Should we equate our politicians having bodyguards as them building ineffective human walls around themselves?
  • If so isn't building a wall out of human beings immoral as well?
  • What exactly is immoral about just self-defense, personal or of the nation itself?
  • When can we expect all of our politicians to dump their bodyguards, tear down the fences and walls, and stop taking other defensive measures like the bulletproof mini-walls you have your car windows replaced with?

I know many of my Anarchist friends will disagree with me as they dont believe in borders, but let me pose this to you from my point of view. I am currently being robbed and extorted under the ostensible purpose of funding the nation-state. Therefore, as long as this is occurring, I would like to see said nation-state take reasonable defensive measure to protect itself. I believe it to be even more egregious and heinous if I was being robbed in order to help support anyone who wandered in. That amounts to effective de facto redistribution by the state, perhaps one of the least anarchist things one could imagine.

Let us be honest, the statements Pelosi is making here have little to do with morality/effectiveness and much to do with agenda/party dogma. Moving an agenda has become more important than the welfare of the state... and its CITIZENS. Many people seem to not realize that the open-borders policies of recent years are firm globalist goals, designed to weaken and usurp the nation-state. That eventually means less for all citizens, including the very ones pushing this agenda.

One solid book on the rise of Stalin or Mao will illustrate how a class of supposedly 'intellectual' useful idiots is used to push social policies intent on concentrating power into a higher order. Once the transformation is complete, as Yuri Bezmenov so succinctly states, they are put up against a wall and shot.

Yuri Bezmenov on ideological subversion, all credits to authors and uploaders.

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