Controlled Demolition of Our Free State, Edwin Vieira PhD (video repost w/ Decline Payout)

Controlled Demolition of Our Free State, Edwin Vieira PhD (video repost w/ Decline Payout)

On the YouTube channel Liberty & Finance (also known as Reluctant Preppers) I watched an outstanding guest called Edwin Vieira who outlined the current state of the United States nation as he sees it.

Basically, he is referring to the police state that has emerged and how those forces and politicians have been usurped. More importantly, he explains exactly how this has developed over the course of the past few decades.

In this interview, he clearly outlines how the police forces and politicians have foregone their constitutional duties and mandates much like Sheriff Mack has.

The interview is a bit long (and in 2 parts), but I do think it is a much watch for any American citizen.

Hereunder are both parts:

PART 1 of Controlled Demolition of Our Free State with Edwin Vieira PhD, JD:

PART 2 of Controlled Demolition of Our Free State with Edwin Vieira PhD, JD:

By the way the channel Liberty & Finance often has outstanding guests such as Bill Holter, Rob Kirby, John Whitehead, David Morgan, Michael Pento, Alasdair Macleod, and many more.



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