"Bolton appointment proves that Trump is being blackmailed!" - Q2 via SOTN (State Of The Nation)


I was reading an interesting post by State of The Nation entitled SOS: Q-squared Delivers a Set of Serious Messages About the POTUS which is interesting to say the least with regards to the recent John Bolton & War Hawks appointments. I am posting a bit of the article as images below.

But first I must make a personal disclaimer. In the SOTN article it does state their "source" as Q2 (Q squared) whom they say is also an intelligence officer. I have no way of verifying if this true but from the statements in that article it could be likely. But with regards to the other "Q", I don't see it as credible for the time being (i.e., only words, no concrete actions; wisdom is action, after all). Plus, I commented other reasons why I think they are not legit in this post.

Anyway, here are some clippets from the SOTN article:


I'd highly recommend you read the whole thread from this Q2 person and make your own assessment.

I am still not sure about all this but it sure seems that many pieces of this puzzle align with each other quite well.

What's your take?

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