Why We Should All Work To Understand The Propagandist’s Agenda

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Propagandist’s know how to keep us apart, they know how to keep us separated into easily controlled and isolated individuals. While most citizens are under the mistaken impression that we are part of some cohesive whole within our chosen Parties, we are actually nothing more than a chaotic mess of weakness.

The Propagandist’s also know how to bring us together in common cause if the Citizens are needed to support a War against Enemies, the Elites wish to harvest, or if we are needed to support Bank Bailouts, or some other such falderol.

But, what and who does it serve to keep us separated and divided when our support is not needed?

We seem to be unified into factions of Liberals and Conservatives, or any of the other dozens of ways we're kept stirred up in our tribal factions. But, the reality is the Center is where most Americans are. The Main Stream Media keeps the struggles of the Left Wing versus the Right Wing front and center in viewers eyes, and the Moderate Center is isolated into a group of the ignored. The people in the center are made to feel alone and alienated from the wings, and if you don’t agree with the MSM and those with the loudest voices around you, than you must be an outsider of no consequence. But, the Center is the Silent Majority, as in it's silent and the majority. The Center is not represented by the body politic, or the Main Stream Media… and Moderates stay silent – one because they feel like unrepresented outsiders – and two because, few Moderate Citizens know that they represent the majority of Americans. The few independent Politicians in government seem to be mostly ridiculed and, or outright despised by the Partisan political body and the MSM. Why? Because division is so effective for those in power. The Corporate Elites do not want too many questions raised, such as why does money and power allow the Elites to receive special treatment under the Law? Didn’t America become the United States to protect the rights of the People? It certainly wasn’t formed to provide easily sheared sheep for the Global Elites. Our Founding Fathers feared and despised the Central Bankers of Europe, and they had amble experience with International Corporations through the business practices of the Hudson Bay Company’s and the Dutch West India Company’s actions in the New World to know the dangers of unchecked Corporate power.

So, how do the People defeat Propaganda? By using the same techniques that Propaganda uses to divide people – propaganda needs to be used to bring citizens back together. For that to happen a thorough understanding of how Propaganda works is necessary. It’s not just about the agendas of the Left and Right Wings, it’s about how the Propagandists use the MSM to portray the Wings as separate and in constant conflict to drive people apart, and it's about keeping the Silent Majority unaware of their true power... The Moderate Center/Silent Majority could change the face of politics in America, if they only realized their potential collective power.

It is my opinion, that the Politicians of today are nothing more than actors and puppets for the Corporate Elites. Politicians are playing the parts that are assigned to them and the Dog and Pony Show is brought to us by the Corporate owned Media. We are led to believe that the Politicians represent us, and our struggles against the ‘others’. But, just who are these ‘others’ – in reality they are Americans just like us – the vilified ‘others’ have more in common with you and me, as Americans, than those that are succeeding in keeping us apart… how much longer will we be able to afford to be kept separated and divided?

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