Wanna Hurt the Propagandist? Hurt the Master…

ball-and-chain-2624325_960_720_resized..jpgimage source Pixabay
Wanna hurt the Propagandist? Hurt those who control him. Who would that be? In my opinion, everything in the Western World is controlled by the Bank -- Governments, Corporations and Consumers all go to the Banker for money -- making the Banker the end-all-and-be-all of who controls the reins of power.

One effective way for the average Citizen to truly affect the Banker is to stop using Credit cards and Debit cards to purchase items… use cash whenever possible. Before you scoff at that last sentence consider this; every single transaction that a person conducts with a Card gains the Banker a 4% windfall… every single transaction. Now some may say that it’s actually the Merchant that pays that 4%, but does anyone really think the Merchant doesn’t pass on that price accordingly?

And, before you argue that the Bankers are mainly focused on customer interest charges from the Credit cards people use, that’s not true. Interest charges are actually meant to encourage people to pay up their debt before the Statement Due Date, because the Bankers make far more money from that 4% charge on every transaction around the World, than they ever could make on Interest charges to their Customers. Interest charges, and late fees, are a way to discourage people from being so far in debt on maxed out Credit cards that the plastic just ends up sitting in the consumer's wallet. The Banker wants that 4%... more than anything... 'cepting War maybe...

So, the next time you pull out your Credit, or Debit card… think of the power you and everyone else is giving to the Banker… and how much easy money we all are lining the Banker’s pockets with. We are in essence giving the Banker the power to control the World, our Governments, our Corporations, our Media, and our Society.

So, you wanna hurt the Propagandist, hurt his Master... the Banker.

Think about it the next time you reach in your pocket...
that little piece of plastic may actually be attached to the iron chains around everyone's ankles...

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