Today’s Propaganda Word is, Distraction

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Distraction is a go to tool for the Propagandist. The value of this tool is in its ability to hide the things better not seen by citizens.

If a story is about let slip the so carefully installed blinders, and reveal that the Emperor’s new clothes are a sham, then the Propagandist trots out the newest outrage to divert a programmed populace’s attention.

Do you ever wonder why some basically inane stories have such legs? Rosanna Barr messed up big time, but was it worth nearly two weeks of Prime Time news coverage? How important was it that Al Franken gestured that he was gonna grab a colleague? One week, maybe two weeks… coverage, really? Look how much coverage some Cowboys at an Oregon wildlife refuge garnered… I went through that area about ten years before the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Standoff, and really unless you like to see a lot of desert, with a couple alkaline lakes, there’s really not much to see there.

My point being there really isn’t much to see about countless spectacular media events, and most of the time they are used as cover for much more important happenings, if not in this Country, then somewhere else in the World.

Three years ago a Dentist killed Cecil the lion, do you remember the uproar over that? If you believe the statisticians between seventeen, and twenty-thousand children die due to malnutrition in the world every day. In the three years since and totaling up the smaller number – some 18 million children have died due to hunger since the Doc killed his lion… Where’s the outrage? I guess kids dying in those numbers, just aren’t that important… today…

Distraction… Distraction… Distraction… don’t let yourselves be distracted by the Propagandist. When a frivolous event dominates the news for weeks on end, look around at the news from around the Globe… sometimes that’s where you’ll find out what else is going on in the United States. In fact if a very serious event takes too much Media time… look around. Most likely there are other, very serious events occurring simultaneously.

Another, thing to keep in mind when the Propagandist presents a huge event for all eyes on, ask yourself, what else was going on… just before the outbreak of what color a dress appears to you?

Distraction is a great tool for the Propagandist, it’s used all day, every day… can you spot it? How often do you look for it?

Note: Sometimes when a Leader, or Celebrity of some kind has really upset the Powers… the puppet Propagandist throws that person under the bus… no lions… for you!

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