Hillary… oh Hillary… where fore art thou?

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After many multiples of interviews since the 2016 election, a book titled “What Happened?” where is she now, and what does she have to say about the Mueller investigation wrap-up?
I’m also curious what Obama, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, Brennan, and Bill all have to say now that the Russia/Trump collusion meme is dead.

P.S. the MSM has a lot of explaining to do as well.
I hope Americans don’t forget the collusion rhetoric of the last couple of years... it was a waste of time and resources and did little but to divide and distract Americans... kinda like any other propaganda campaign.
Of course the memes will come fast and furious until the Kool-aid is baked and served...
But, always remember the hacked(?) emails exposed the truth of the DNC rigging the primaries.
That truth is many times forgotten in the fevered shock and anger of Trump's victory.

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