Corporate Control

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Recently Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox news posted this opinion piece,
Tucker Carlson: Corporations, not voters, are in charge now and want to boss you around for the activist left
And, while he’s mostly correct, he’s not considering American history in his article.
In my opinion, the Corporations and Financial institutions have been in charge since at least the days of the Robber Barons.
The only time the Corporations let up on American citizens was when they realized that Americans were willing to die to form Unions, and fight for worker's rights.
But, Unions were neutered during the Reagan administration, and since then the Middle class has been greatly diminished, wages have stagnated, and income inequality in the U.S. has grown to all-time highs.
Politicians are selling out America for pennies on the dollar to Corporate and Foreign interests, and all the while the MSM keeps citizens distracted and divided, by hot button issues, (like War) that will never be solved as long as they retain their power to maintain the voter's focus.
Americans have forgotten the power of protests, strikes and boycotts, and voting is an illusion to keep the citizens pacified.
Ken Livingstone said, "If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it."

While voting hasn't been abolished, it has lost its meaning, and when all the candidates for a government position are owned by the Corporations, it no longer makes a difference who the voters put into office as the outcome will always be the same -- The Corporations remain in control… through their proxies the Main Stream Media.

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