Blockchain as the liberator of the masses from the claws of the NWO

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“There are none more hopelessly enslaved, than those who falsely believe they are free.” - Goethe

Today we are able to use cryptography to claim, assert and reinforce our sovereignty and human rights like never before in hundreds of years. And we do this by using the magic of numbers that can only be used defensively not offensively and it is the most awesome power available at present that is able to rival even the power of the state. Totalitarian governments cannot brute force our crypto keys. Individuals can assert their power at last and this facility is certainly not possible in many other ways any more. For us to be able to assert our human rights like we can with blockchain and crypto is rare today and therefore really to be treasured.

Unstoppable code or uncensorable speech is a very powerful thing and more necessary than ever in today’s world. Here we have the blockchain where we can voice our true feelings and we cannot be stopped. Once it’s on the blockchain, no government can remove, censor or edit our words. How rare is that? Especially as we now see the rise of totalitarianism, not just in China, the obvious dictatorship, but even in the west, albeit more subtly for now.

For example there are some states in America where it is a crime to criticize the human rights abuses and crimes of Israel. In other words you have been muzzled there in your whistle blowing, or any outcry you wish to make against an obvious oppressor and Apartheid regime bent on outright genocide in their biggest open air concentration camps in the world, called Gaza and the West Bank. These crimes against humanity need to be called out for what they are but America is so in the pocket of Zionism that the most powerful nation on earth is a sock puppet totally beholden to them. The land of the free and the home of the brave is no longer free for you to be brave. You can try to speak out but you will lose your job, be seen as a criminal with a record or even go to jail - for telling the truth. However, on the blockchain here on this platform, I can call a spade a spade and fear no reprisal or risk of censorship in my expression. And in my country of South Africa we have a particular dislike of Apartheid regimes and categorically demand the two state solution for Palestine, as our official government policy.

When have we ever had such a sense of freedom of speech? People all over the world have the tools now to express their rights and to be sovereign. It is our last stronghold. This is power to the people. The only problem is it seizes power from those in power who would oppress or exploit us – governments, corporations or big faceless institutions like the United Nations, another front for the New World Order Illuminati takeover of the planet by the elite 0.1% who like to think themselves god’s gift to creation. In fact it is only about 4000 people who actually control the entire western world, besides China for now, and hopefully Russia still. This cabal or nefarious group has been plotting for centuries and are in the process of playing their final trump card to sweep up the planet in their net and hold it in their grasp, every nation and citizen on this planet, all of us, under one rulership, a tyrannical one. The UN, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, these are the NWO elite that plan to cull the population, or at least cut it back to 500 000 000, from the current 7 billion, while they run it like an Orwellian animal farm or centralized Communist party along the lines of China and its social credit score with RFID chip implants and cameras to track us all.

Blockchain takes power from these elites and gives it to the little people. And at some point they will start fighting back. At that point we will see how unstoppable the code really is. Journalism is the last stronghold where we are speaking the things others don’t want you to publish, the rest is just public relations. Bitcoin was still in the “ridicule” stage a few years ago in its early days, they just laughed at us. But then Silk Road came along and brought bitcoin to the limelight, almost prematurely, generating a ton of bad publicity, chasing a lot of people away, because it associated bitcoin with dealing in bad drugs on the black market. And that attracted a need for censorship in the PTB. But drugs are such a small use of the bitcoin market. That’s why some states are legalizing drug use that was once banned by the NWO who wanted to promote their own products and pharmaceuticals that are often more toxic and not as mind expanding and liberating as they would want for us masses. Besides that the CIA are known to be the biggest drug traffickers in South America and Afghanistan ever. So duplicity is nothing to them.

Nevertheless blockchain will be unstoppable. It’s time has come. Dapps and smart contracts are here to stay. We may have to tread a very fine line, so as not to provoke the PTB who want to keep their grip on the masses, keep them enslaved to their debt based, military-industrial complex, while making huge profits off the sale of arms to both sides of the fight, while we fall as cannon fodder under the wheels of their tanks and monstrous killing machine. They take pleasure in destruction and death, and if they can make money from it they will do it all day long, and in fact have been doing so for decades already. Until now. For they have met their match in blockchain and bitcoin. And we who use it and live on it are the foot soldiers of the rebellion, of the revolution. We are some of the very few left who can push back against the tyranny, who have our weapon of free speech, our sword of knowledge, our open distributed ledger and we will not go quietly into the slaughterhouse of the oppressive totalitarian dictatorship that is about to take over the entire planet. The real power lies with the masses, the people, but we don’t know our own power. And they are scared of us finding out, but find out we will and resist we shall.

The blockchain is the printing press of the activist journalist, the whistle blower, the Wikileaks, the Occupy, the Anonymous, the Yellow Vest, The V for Victory, the Resistance against the Zionist, Illuminati, axis of evil wolf disguised as shepherd. This may be the last chance we have, the last years of opportunity before the chip is installed, the cameras descend, the drones watch on, the noose is tightened, so educate yourself. Watch documentaries like on the rise of the New World Order and the elite bankers who run the world via their puppet governments of UK and America. The mission of Rhodes and Rockefeller can still be stopped, and blockchain is our tool in the defense of liberty, sovereignty and humanity before the velvet glove comes off and the iron fist is revealed for what is has been all this time – war after war, false flag after false flag.

Don’t be a deer stuck in the headlights of the oncoming bone crusher of a police state as it invades your mind, steals your life and freedom as a species forever. Rise up now and stake your claim to your inalienable human right to freedom of expression, freedom from oppression, from genocide where we are all Palestine, we are all Yemen, we are all Venezuela, we are all Syria. By attacking the weakest like a sociopathic savage, you attack us all, you attack me, because I am another you, this is my family called humanity, called life on earth, and you will have to kill me to stop me from telling the world about the crimes of the century perpetrated by the NWO Illuminati Zionist demons attempting to take over the world.

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