Decades of bad policy has lead to Russia invading Ukraine, Taiwan is next.

It sucks what is happening and I hope that it is over quickly with very very very little loss of life. I know that there will be more loss of life as Russia has a large military and are going to use it(same like the USA does in other countries all the time).

The effects of this remain to be seen if there will be mass starvation for years or how this will work. The Ukrainians were starved out before by the Soviets.

Let's also recall that the USA is responsible for what is happening today in Ukraine. The USA helped arm Neo Nazis who took power and we installed a puppet govt that does what we want. That saber rattling on Russia's doorstep is exactly what the USA wanted to be doing, and now the Ukrainian people are paying the price for terrible foreign policy.

Iran Contras

The list probably has at least another few dozen terrorist groups the USA has made, countries it installed puppet leaders into power.

Let's keep all of this in mind. Yes Russia is also led by a former KGB psychopath who wants to take things over to give himself a legacy of being a conqueror.

But remember that the USA and other Western govts are largely to blame for this terrible policy.

My prediction, NATO will be shown to be a paper tiger that does nothing. We are not getting into a war with a Nuclear power.

Russia could, if it wanted to right now, launch nukes and hit all Western countries and the USA. They have capabilities that can kill many many hundreds of millions of people. We let them build that up over time. These are the consequences. Russia will likely take all of Ukraine quickly, then within a few years take something else.

Taiwan will be taken by the Chinese. China is advancing into Africa and taking over massive mineral and diamond mines in order to build their army(raw materials for components). In my lifetime I will see China outright take Taiwan and a few other surrounding areas, as well as parts of Africa.

@truthforce writing

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