get real

I can already tell Hive is going to make me angry

I've never paid for an account before in my life and now I'm only allowed to make 3 comments every 4 days? What the hell is that about? If you want new people to come to Hive you need to sort that shit out. Today! I tried to post this post yesterday and I coudlnt.

I've been browsing around the InformationWar and Deep Dives communities and I can already tell you there is a lot of fake truthers here.

Do you want Hive to be the Numner 1 place for the TRUTH?

Fukin... then stop giving money to people who just post other people's articles. You want to incentivise people to do the work on Hive not get money for linking something.

Same as the dudes getting money for posting their videos to 12 different places. Don't pay those guys. Save your dollars for all the people doing the work here and then you'll get more and more people doing the work here. Its very simple.

Ive been seeing some shit about how J6 was the FBI. How fucking dare you turn your back on PATRIOTS and TRUTHERS. ANyone who says that shit is a fake truther. If you think about it for more than a second it doesnt even make sense the FBI work for the government. It was patriots who have sacraficed so much for America. Theyve lost their families their friends some have lots their jobs and their communities for what they believe in and then FAKE truthers just say its was all the FBI.

Are you saying the QShaman is FBI? Hes serving a 60 month sentence right now. He spends 22 hours a day in a cell, in a room much smaller that the one youre in now (unless youre reading this in the pooper then well done). His bed is 1 inch foam on a concrete slab and he doesnt see nobody. He has sacraficed everything for all of us. He was a peaceful protestor who knows more about conciousness and the elite Saturn worshipping rituals than anybody. He talk talk for hours about it all and Hes a funny dude who has given up everything so to call him FBI is a disgrace.

The fact is as a non-violent protester the QShaman should have been pardoned by Trump but Trump is a clown who dont care about patriots. QShaman is not FBI. His been around since Pizzagate and taught us all a lot.

Some of you people on here need to check yourself real hard and Ill be bringing the real truth to you. You aint gonna like it. Your entitled to your opinion but when your opinion disgraces patriots and truthers then were gonna have words you hear me.

Ill be back when this system lets me post again

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