Globalist Anti Trump Mouth piece in America , CNN ,s Don Lemon is a total Racist and Needs to be Pulled off the Air !

How much lower can these clearly morally corrupt Leftist,s Go ? Across world media we see the last death throws of a defunct centralised system of criminal control over our media, lives and futures ! How much more of this madness can rational people take before they too are lost in a system that is broken and which now clearly works for nefarious concerns which care care not one bit for the rule of law and the checks and balances which in a truly democratic system should exist !

Race Baiter Don Lemon, disgusting self righteous yet hypocritical mouthpiece of social Marxist "Right" think where bad is good and good is bad ! This person, committed worker of the propaganda outlet for the globalist corporately controlled and run machine of media called CNN, has declared in a recent emission " that the most dangerous thing in America today is White Conservative Men ! Another journalist friend of his writing for another Globalist owned rag by the name of " q" has written in a recent article that " Trump had radicalised more people than even the infamous terrorist group named ISIS ! "

WHAT INSANITY IS THIS ?? By what right does anyone have to make such outlandish and bizarre claims without any proof given !

Once seen and viewed as Americas number one news outlet is now only number 13 following channels like discovery etc ! People have got wise to the game of lies ! Their MK Ultra mantras begin to fail and with alternative sources of information now being created the centralised control of Youtube, Facebook,Google andTwitter begins to falter and die !! Good riddance say I !

CNN's Don Lemon: "Single Biggest Terror Threat in This Country is White Men"!!!

Dr. Steve Turley
Published on 31 Oct 2018

Never Go Full Don Lemon - Says Stop Demonizing People Then Demonizes a Race

Published on 31 Oct 2018

CNN's Don Lemon outdoes himself, in the same sentence calling for a stop to demonizing people then proceeding to demonize white men. Don Lemon claims white men are the biggest terror threat. A statistical analysis of the date behind Lemon's claim.

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