Las Vegas, the 2nd Shooter and Why This Feels like Minority Report

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People we are not in Kansas anymore.

The drive to create a civil war in this country has taken the drastic and disgusting next step. Now, I didn't want to believe that about this shooting anymore than I want to believe 9/11 was a false flag, but what happened in Las Vegas the other night is chilling.

Watch the video linked below and tell me the official story about Steven Paddock is anything other than a complete psy-op?

When you're done with that one then watch this one:

I found these at this post.

Both of these videos suggest there was a 2nd shooter on the 4th floor of the Mandalay Bay Casino. Now, Zerohedge is getting in on the action with more details about the Taxi Driver in the 2nd video.

Even if there isn't a 2nd shooter and these flashes are strobes or echoes of something else, the story we are being told about Las Vegas is a lie. Why? Because the rush to capitalize on this is too strong.

It comes within hours of the EU losing a major battle in Catalonia.

Days after a manufactured scandal about Trump not helping Puerto Rico falls flat.

A week after Angela Merkel, the New Leader of the Free World, practically loses control of the German Bundestag.

And it's being used to justify full on gun control.

When those with power are threatened by those below them it is imperative to distract them and sow fear.

Nothing we've been told about Steven Paddock makes any sense relative to the level of professionalism needed to pull this thing off. They picked the perfect suite at the perfect shooting angle to cause the maximal damage to people in that crowd.

Yes, it's fully possible one guy pulled this off. Is it truly plausible that NO ONE on the staff would have noticed him stockpiling suitcases for a short stay in Vegas?

And now, right on cue, we're being told that Paddock used a completely legal AR-15 to perform this massacre, using a Bump Stock.

Now, having talked with a number of people on this there definitely was a bump stock-equipped AR-15 involved in some of the shooting. The irregular rate of fire explains that. But, there's also too much regulated rate of fire consistent with a full-auto weapon.

Whose agenda does this fulfill? Even if you believe Paddock acted on his own. That somehow, he's been a secret operative planning this for months, then he does this with the full intention to create the very controversy that has now erupted across the U.S.

Again, and the FBI can come up with no discernible motive here?

The Big Plan

This is exactly what the Elites have been prepping the country for. We're in a weird time.

The leaked pictures of his room, the films, the money-laundering, no pictures of the guy for years, his really sketchy brother in Melbourne etc. all have that "Central Casting" feel to them.

So, while there may not have been another shooter at a 2nd location there most likely was a 2nd and/or 3rd shooter in the suite.

And Paddock is the perfect patsy.

It reminds me of the climax of Spielberg's "Minority Report" when Tom Cruise finally finds the guy who kidnapped his son, and he finds the orgy of evidence needed to send him over the edge and kill the 'kidnapper.' This would then bring about greater government control... more Pre-Crime, uh, I mean Gun Control.

By radicalizing the political Left into a murderous, permanently-triggered mob of self-righteous crusaders we now have the perfect environment for the power-brokers in D.C. to push for disarmament of the people in this country.

With multiple incidents of violent Leftists going after Republicans and Trump supporters -- The Alexandria shooting, Antifa's rampages at the inauguration, Berkeley, Charlottesville, etc -- we're setting up the scenario where there's going to be push back from the now-evil 'Alt-Right.'

We were already supposed to have taken the bait. That's what Charlottesville was for. The next escalation that I'm worried bout will be a bunch of fake 'Alt-Right' guys setting up a fake rally to ambush Antifa, turning them into the victims.

These are the same people who had Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia killed so that after Hillary won they would be able to just pack the court and repeal the 2nd amendment.

They know what's coming. I'd argue that their plan all along has been exactly this. Sowing instability and fear is the means to get people acting against their own best interest. Soros have been prepping to pull the plug on the United States as a country for years. And this was supposed to be their time to pull it all off.

We had the temerity to vote against that in numbers that were greater than they could realistically steal from us.

I don't think they'll succeed in getting full-on gun control through. But they will definitely try and get AR-15's banned.

The bottom line is that there is a helluva lot more to this story than meets the eye. I don't put anything past these people... nothing.

As one of my subscribers said today in one of our chats...

Do you believe the story about 9/11 - no - well, if the US will kill over 3K Americans they sure a hell wouldn't flinch over 60 people at a country music concert

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