This what bending over for authority gets you, slave!

If you don't recognize that 'Murica!™ has devolved into a police state of meatheads prone to ignorant violence and a ruling elite that is eating our children, look around!

There are signs everywhere!


Cops are killing us with impunity.
Politicians run the human trafficking rings with impunity.


Because you accept this crap in your skools:

Compliance 101: Gun-Toting Cops Endanger Students and Turn the Schools into Prisons

Full story.

“Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learning.”—Investigative journalist Annette Fuentes

Just when you thought the government couldn’t get any more tone-deaf about civil liberties and the growing need to protect “we the people” against an overreaching, overbearing police state, the Trump Administration ushers in even more strident zero tolerance policies that treat children like suspects and criminals, greater numbers of school cops, and all the trappings of a prison complex (unsurmountable fences, entrapment areas, no windows or trees, etc.).

The fallout has been what you’d expect, with the nation’s young people treated like hardened criminals: handcuffed, arrested, tasered, tackled and taught the painful lesson that the Constitution (especially the Fourth Amendment) doesn’t mean much in the American police state.

For example, in Florida, a cop assigned to River Ridge High School as a school resource officer, threatened to shoot a student attempting to leave school for a morning orthodontist appointment.

Read the full story.

You can see for yourself, dear reader, that we are far down the tyranny path.
Our parents refused to man up and rid us of the criminal cabal that killed Kennedy.
Most of them didn't know.

It is up to us, if our children are to know freedom from a hole in the ground.

What we have now is not freedom.

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