Genocide, Avoid the Stages!


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Before 1944, there was no term "genocide". This term is very specific for violent crimes committed by community groups to eradicate group existence. Human rights defined in the United States Human Rights Act or the UN Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 relate to individual rights.

In 1944, a Polish Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin (1900-1959) sought to explain the systematic genocide policies of the Nazis, including the destruction of European Jews. It forms the word "genocide" by combining the word geno with a word (sida) derived from Latin meaning slaughter and Greek terms meaning race or tribe.

When proposing this new term, Lemkin envisioned "a plan coordinated by actions to destroy the basic foundations of life for a group of countries with a view to eradicating the group."

The following year, an international military tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany, accused the Nazi leader of "crimes against humanity". The word "genocide" is included in the indictment, but it is not law as a descriptive term.



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On December 9, 1948, thanks to the never-ending shadow of the Holocaust and Lemkin efforts, the UN supported the convention on the prevention and treatment of racial genocide. The Convention provides "genocide" as an international crime, and signers "want to prevent and punish this crime." Genocide is defined as:

Genocide refers to any of the following actions taken to destroy all or parts of the following national, racial, ethnic or religious groups:

  • members of the slaughter group.
  • Causes serious physical or mental damage to group members
  • Providing unintentionally unhappy living conditions to a group may cause total or partial physical damage.
  • Implement measures to prevent births in community groups.
  • Forcing children from one community to another.

Most of the violence against community groups takes place through history, but even after the conventions are enacted, the legal and international developments of the term are concentrated in two historic periods.

The period until the start of the term by the International Criminal Court (1991-1998) for acceptance as international law (1944-1948) and for the massacre of slaughter. Genocide prevention, another major covenant obligation, remains a challenge facing the world and individual countries.



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Genocide means a systematic action for the purpose of destroying or destroying all or part of a nation, nation, race or group of beliefs. Genocide is an eight-step process. These steps occur sequentially and predictably.


In many societies, "we" and "they" are often distinguished. Differences are based on race, race, religion, class and ideology. The classification of Dayak and Madura, Muslim and Christian, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal is an early stage of genocide that can be prevented by the existence of institutions, activities or views that can foster and promote differences in something positive. From a tribal point of view, religious institutions can facilitate that distinction. And in terms of religious differences, it is not the only person who plays a role, but a country that can promote it.


It tells you the specific name or symbol of the difference. Many of the community aliases such as "pottery" for the competitive Chinese race, "crusade", "extremist", and "communist" depicting Christians. Use "Fundamentalists" and other titles to differentiate groups and apply aliases to each group member.

Symbolization is common and does not lead to genocide unless it rises to the next level. That is dehumanization. Symbolization can extend to the next level when mixed with hate. Symbolism can be prevented, for example, by banning symbols of ban as official symbols or by prohibiting the frequent hate campaigns in today's society. For example, the Nazi Manza symbol becomes a forbidden symbol to use.



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It means "little humanitarianism," "rude to mankind" and "abolishes its rights". This group denies the personality of other groups and denies the sinful nature of killing the group because it is not human. At this stage, propaganda, leaflets or other public works through the mass media are used to spread hatred against other groups.

To avoid this step, you must distinguish between hate campaign and freedom of expression. Hate campaign is not democracy, so we must close the media with hatred and forbid propaganda. Malik and cruelty should be punished immediately.


Racial slaughter is often organized by the state, sometimes perpetrated by civilians, civilians or informal groups such as terrorists. The organization is reflected in the existence of training, armed and mass murder. In the case of Armenia and the Nazis, special forces were formed to stop the genocide.

To prevent this step from being developed, informal organizations such as armed militias must ban their existence. The UN should try to avoid arms sales to countries that have genocide.


Extremists broadcast divisive propaganda, laws and regulations are often used. For example, prohibiting mixed marriage or social interaction among different groups. Ordinary people who do not want to intervene in hate situations are subject to intimidation and silence. Prevention can be provided by providing protection and support to moderate groups or humanitarian organizations. If extremist groups commit a coup, they should be sanctioned by the international community.


This step identifies and categorizes victims, makes and distributes lists of victims. Members of the victim group must use certain attributes. The victims were grouped and sent to concentration camps or abandoned in minus areas suffering from hunger and lack of need. At this stage, warnings of genocidal risk must be prepared and immediately taken by the United Nations and other international organizations. Before the massacre of the PKI in 1965, the list of PKI members was distributed by the CIA and this list was used by soldiers and cleared by the army. PKI. An example of how the victim was sent to a minus area was when the Armenians fled to the desert by the Turkish government.



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Genocide, often called genocide, has been started legally. (Examples of Nazi massacres by Jews and the slaughter of Armenians by the Turkish government) The eradication is called a pest. Pests are similar to actions that kill pests or animals. Victims are no longer aware of human existence. If the killing was sponsored by the state, the armed forces acting in this way were assisted by armed civilian militia. Although not directly involved, if the state can not protect people from genocide and other genocide threats perpetrated by other groups, the state must be held accountable for its failure.

Therefore, it is important that the role of the state is important to prevent the development of weapons of mass destruction as early as possible. Sometimes genocide can cause violence followed by retaliation by disadvantaged groups. Armed forces are needed to prevent violence in relation to culling. Free areas where refugees can be accommodated must be protected and protected by international powers. International intervention is urgent in this regard.


Always follow the genocide. This denial shows that genocide will continue. Mass killers will seek to remove evidence by burning bodies or threatening them with threats and witnesses. In the case of a well-planned genocide, the loss of evidence is usually a package of eradication activities, such as when a victim is buried in a special place where the body is cremated or hard to find.

The perpetrators refuse to intervene and blame the victim for what often happens. They complicate the process of law enforcement and continue to exercise power until deportation and escape. Unless they are caught and prosecuted, they are difficult to assess as happened to Pol Pot or Idi Amin. Courts, like the case against Yugoslavs or Rwandan actors, may not succeed in attracting all perpetrators, but some may be judged by political will, there.

The mass slaughter of certain races is an inhumane deviation from other unusual behaviors such as kidnapping, rape, and torture. The background of mass genocide, such as exaggerating politics, economics, and ethnocentrism, is largely influenced by race by the destruction of other ethnic groups.

The meaning of negative ethnocentrism is the rule of law of the national society, the complete and equitable implementation, and the understanding of community tolerance among the people. Genocide If necessary, take control if it occurs in the form of physical controls involving authorities inside and outside the country.

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