Joe Biden: the first pick of the globalist military industrial complex

When you ask for a moment what does it mean to be a republican-in terms of issues. What comes to mind whether it is actually carried out or not? Economic freedom, fiscal responsibility, traditional family values, the freedom of speech, less government regulations, less taxes, pro-life, pro-gun, states rights, tough on crime, Strong Military, a border wall, etc, etc.

So what does it mean when a republican starts to endorse Joe biden. Ask Qui Bono, or from star trek V why does God [anti-trump republicans] need a star ship [Biden] and see that the Gods are fake. More taxes, anti-gun, pro-babykilling, anti-free speech, more government, more taxes. More than just endorsing Biden, many are wanting republican senators to lose their seats. So what does that mean these republicans stand for, what do they benefit, do they hate trump so much that they want to go through 4 years with the dems in control in an effort to Ridicule trump [Conway did play a Role in the Clinton Impeachment]? While John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch have been disappointments to conservatives, there is a chance of really taking a conservative majority of the supreme court; There are talks of Clarence Thomas resigning, while Justice Ginsburg and Breyer are advanced in their years-and Ginsberg keeps defying the grim reaper at deaths door. The control of the scotus are at stake, not to mention the federal courts as well as we can expect more Clinton and perhaps neocon bush federal judges to retire or go on senior status. At the surface level of everyday Americans, They have nothing to gain and everything to lose in endorsing Biden. Surely there must be something to inflict such grave injury to conservative causes, surely there must be some reason to abandon Reagan's 11th commandment.

I am not going to get into the history of Dementia Joe Biden's mental health, although he openly admits he readily has cognitive tests...Cause, you know that is perfectly normal for people without cognitive problems. George Conway and his Lincoln project, as well as anonymous republicans from the bush administration are endorsing Joe Biden. Effectively throwing away every every chance for platform based victories at every level of the federal government-including the administrative agencies. Could you just imagine what the dear colleagues letter from Biden's US DOE might read? Cobb county; man sentences to 10 years, serve 4 for wishing his kids happy birthday through US mail. Tempting to go into hyperbole and suggest that if a male just looks at a woman without her consent, he will be expelled from school. But that said, there are companies in America where if you look at a woman for more than 5 seconds you can be fired. So maybe it isn't hyperbole after all. Netflix isn't the only example, I heard of other tales locally but don't care to get into it. Also let us not forget about the hollaback project that wants to ban cat calling such as wishing a woman a good day. If that is the standard for losing everything in life, why hasn't Joe Biden been canceled yet? Joe biden Panders to the UN and to feminist, so he gets to feel up little children, sniffs women's hair, kiss and grope women without their consent, and has children play with the hair beneath his waist, and goes skinny dipping in front of female secret service agents.
Pedo Joe.

image source: altered image from pogo joe c64 video game by screenplay, source image edited by me from from qwant.

source: unknown to me, but from THE TRUMP HUB🇺🇸 channel.

He was unconditionally praised for VAWA(1994), which literally was the agenda of the Organization of American state's "Convention of Belem do Para" (1994), and the UN's "Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women" (1993). The war of attachments, the war of the family, the war of fathers, the destruction of logos, the reintroduction of the star chamber, and the destruction of jury trial rights-all done with the praise of the media who used to fear the very thing called a prior restraint. At the time a 20 year completion of the Bolsheviking of the destruction of the family unit, from the communist manifesto ch 2. Joe Biden has been an agent of the Globalist [Global Communist] for nearly 30 years, ir not more. He's been shielded pretty much from all criticism, and praised no matter of severely he has harmed Blacks, men, fathers, women, children, the family, the constitution. For his many policies that has lead to catastrophic and deadly consequences, the media completely ignores it. If Joe Biden was to go skinny dipping in front of kids, we'd never hear it from the mainstream media. It would likely come through his own self admission when he let's his guard down.

source:unknown to be, but from "Random Viral Vidz" youtube channel.

And to be quite frank, he isn't that far removed from that activity. There are also other reports, long since forgotten by the media, of Joe Biden commuting sexual assault upon his intern and many others. . During the short time it was in the media, it caused a schism in the metoo/believeallwomen movement. Believe all woman only applies, it appears, if the finger is pointing to an innocent republican. Is it strange Strange Business insider Ommitted the claims by Jessica Leigh Collins,or just business as usually to throw such claims under the rug.


When it somes to Global Trade, Joe Biden helped Clinton sell out the high paying Union Jobs out to communist china. Then during the covid19 outbreak, and we learn America doesn't have the ability to make facemasks or ventilators-the left attack Trump in response. You will hear barely a mention about Joe Biden and Nafta, save for a few political opportunist during the primaries.

No matter how much Joe Biden is willing to sell our manufacturing capabilities and our constitutional rights out to the lowest bidder, no matter how much his brain is literally rotting away before us, no matter how creepy, pedo-ey, or rapey joe Biden is, he will for the most part get a free pass by the media and by Big Tech. There will be no trending criticism of biden, only 240 character anti-trump propaganda and tales about how Dementia Joe is a messiah.

When Obama and Biden chose to unmask intelligence agents, they got away with it too. The media downplayed it as something common, but what isn't common is forging evidence and causing a man to plead guilty and spend nearly 5 million in legal fees, his job, and costing him his home-as they hoped they could get him to testify to help impeach the president. . If this is the routine the media wants to say is normal, this is continuously being undermined. Even judge Emmet Sullivan refuses to drop the charges after being told to do so by the appellate court-the judge is appealling the order to dismiss for an en back hearing. The Government doesn't want to prosecute-and the judge is anything but impartial at this point. Just what we can expect from a Joe Biden Star Chamber, guilty by accusation-and continuous prosecution after beating the case. Cough, been through much of that myself in the family courts. .

If you think Roger stone got off easy, you are wrong.


source:Milo Yiannopolous telegram

And let us not forget Biden's Son Hunter biden, who was helping the Chinese with technologies to round up the Uighuy Muslims and put them into consentration camps and slave labour. . Or the millions of Dollars corrupt Ukraine officials paid him so his daddy would get the charges dropped against them for a billion dollar bribe. Many others in the Biden Family making millions from his political positions. Trump tries to make sure it is investigated, and the dems and the media start an impeachment witch hunt against trump ultimately for the Crimes of Joe Biden. These impeachment proceedings were ongoing into the earlist and alarming reports about Corona Spreading in Wuhan, which has been politicized since. And Trump still gets the blame, while the congress tried to carry out a political coup d'estate.

And when Joe Biden says he will make sure everyone wears a mask, and tries to blame Trump for Corona. Let us ask you, how does he expect to enforce such an order against a large protest-like Black lives matters which became a democratic pawn to spawn the second waive of the Corona.

source cbs local.

Yeah, you are not going to peacefully require people wear a mask nor social distances. So you want to hire more cops, and give longer sentences to everyone-particularly blacks, to deal with black lives matters or others not wearing a mask? They'll shoot a black father dead in the back for not making a child care payment, I suppose they will strangle black people for not wearing a mask when we get even more unqualified cops of the street....and more qualified immunity and riots and protests. .

Yup, Joe Biden gets a pass on creating the out of control police and mass incarceration problem. Immune from all crticism-particularly now that he is the nominee. And it doesn't help that Trump is now Mr. Law and order, that was Trumps's main weakness in coming into the 2020 election is pandering to law enforcement instead of ensuring law and order against the police.

Going back to republicanism. There are two things left in the above that is kind of republicanism, but really not. The reason why i saw it isn't, is because the ordinary person is so far removed from them. They would be any residual free traders who advance the competitive advantages theory, which is anti-protectionist. Trump has been very protectionist, but not Biden. Biden sold us out to China, and over 130k people now died.

The other is the military industrial complex. Trump has done good to avoid the wrath of Code pinks. There were some close calls in Iran and Syria, but despite the crazed war hawks in his administration he has repeatedly not entered into new fights. What can you say about Biden. He supported the War on Iraq, he supported Clinton's wag the dog, even the original persian gulf war in the 1990s, And while he was VP, we also had invasions in Syria and Libya. He opposed Trump for moving troops out of syria. . And, he wants to put troops back in Syria.
. In 2016 he tried to say going to Libya was a mistake and he disagreed with Hillary Clinton, but he also declared it a job well done. . in 1999 he also endorsed an attack in serbia that destroyed a pro-democracy faction. . The prior links suggest Biden supported attacking a hospital Grenada, a decades old bombing in Libya that killed dozens including Quadafi's daughter, an invasion in panama. Why must we turn to japan to see such criticism?

I don't think there is enough of blood on earth to Quench his thirst for the blood of innocent human beings. And what is strange is how anti-trump Romney is now, compared to 2012 when he caught Biden in a lie about Benghazi. . How long has Biden's cognitive abilities been in decline, and how many lives have been lost because of it?

If there is one thing you recall about the "compassionate conservative" bush neocons, they were hungry, they were eager, to carve up the middle east and democratize it-after much of the west traded firearms to certain tribes so they could dominate over the entire country through force giving the rise to dictatorships. These neocons are the people who are now supporting biden. As far as George Conway, the head of the Lincoln Project, his Daddy was an engineer in Raytheon. He Grew up with, likely has or [will] inherited stocks from Raytheon also. These are the people our country expects us to sacrifice our progeny for to enrich the war machines.

So now we have the military industrial complex, the media, and big tech all stumping for Biden. Back decades ago, the democrats used to complain about the big corporations and how they were hurting the media, and how we needed to fund state media like PBS and NPR. But back in those days, the corporations gave to the media companies unconditionally and didn't restrict their speech. Today, if you merely disagree, or say an opinion they didn't like, you can lose your social media accounts, your banking accounts, and your ability to buy and sell. In the old days they needed you to build up sales and revenues. Today they don't need you, and you are disposable. Of course before the walmarts and other giants centralized, we had more mom and pop stores, banks, and so on that needed every customer they could get-and less access to informational technology.

The democrats may take particularly glee that big tech and the media are promoting biden and canceling trump supporters. But at what cost. As they topple statues of former slave owners and abolishionist alive, when they go to the store they can't help but buy the latest Chinese goods made from chinese slave labor. These iconoclast [and manymore] are the new crackers, but they aren't ripping themselves to pieces over it. You can just buy another statue....from China. Modern Slavery is perfectly acceptable to them, and it is probably a lot worse than slavery in America ever was. Covid19 has shown use that because of Biden/Clinton policies we have virtually no manufactouring capabilities of our own-Trump gets the blame.

While the printing of new currency may protect us from the rising national debt, increased spending may eventually doom our strong dollar. We may soon be a country with little to show for it except advance degree spelling out all the ways everyone, but the white man, is a victim or feelings of why they are a victim.

Americans with stem degrees aren't really wanted in Big tech. Big tech needs foreigners to do unethical, even criminal things. Do it, or we ship you back to s___hole. Just don't call it a s___hole, because it offends the people who don't want to go back there or something. There is a law suit now involving Justin Sun and his favoring Chinese workers and firing Americans when they told him that what he was doing was illegal. Meanwhile big tech hides behind arbitration agreements and section 230. Big tech are contributing, guised as algorithms, tens, even hundreds, of millions in free ads and propaganda to the candidates of their choice, and scorn to the opposition. But don't expect the IRS or FEC to get involved. Heck, facebook completely banned Laura Loomer paid ads from appearing when she is running for congress.

source:Laura Loomer

And as Biden may choose Duckworth to be his vice president, as could be predicted from intersectionality theory, we aren't allowed to question her patriotism due to the age old sanctity of the victim. There are many reasons to join the military, poverty is one of those reasons despite the low pay there used to be incredible perks including free food, board, medical, scholarships, bonuses, and work experience-it is a great start to a career, if you come back a whole person. Likewise the realities of a war could disenfranchise a persons thought about the country. Serving doesn't instantly make someone a patriot, But because she lost her two legs, we just have to accept she is patriotic even as she open to tearing down statues of Washington and Jefferson. Nope, not allowed to question her patriotism.

And going back to the issue of poverty and joining the war, after the covid19 mess is complete, there may still be a lot of young people with no job skills and no employment opportunity. Sure there is still farmers, electricians, plumbers, roofers, carpenters, doctor, dentist, crane operators, truck drivers-but you need something of value to trade with them. You can bet that the military industrial complex will be reaching out to the Biden administration about what country to invade next. Will it be Russia, will it be Iran, North Korea, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan to throw some monopoly money in the wallets of todays social justice warriors. All these men who think they are women and other SJWs; what will they do when even the women have to man up to survive in our economy.

Also, When the economy finally goes bust, people may end up selling themselves into Chinese slavery just to eat. A complete reversal of the system that goes on now-except China will still be profiting and they will maintain a Confucian (feudalist) control over us; Your company owned apartment complex will come with it's own suicide net just to catch you and keep you in perpetual hereditary servitude. The price of Chinese Liberation may come through the enslavement of the West-a process that is as old as NAFTA. They been exploiting slave labor for half a century and buying us up in the process, and we have been going into more and more debt-student loans or otherwise to learn...nothing useful.

And if you haven't been paying attention to south park, the NBA, Blizzard entertainment/activism, tencent, or even steem over the last year...You pretty much are missing how severe things already are. They want Biden, they want democrats to win, so they can control you. So you and/or your progeny can serve in their wars for control over the worlds resources. You will be nothing more than a cog in a machine with no independent thought, less you be carves into pieces and transplanted into others.

So democrats, keep cheering on Biden, compromise all your values by not opposing corporations, corporate controlled media, and the industrial military complex. The hyperbolic nightmarish paradigm you chicken littled about has become a reality through an invasion of big tech employment practices of foreign invaders, but your party never opposed slavery and you mistakenly think you will be the new masters or that your lives will be better. No, you are just trading sovereigns-a democratic system for a network of San Franscisco Elitists. You are letting tyrannical despots undermine the American democratic process, undermining the very argument that a democracy is better than a monarchy. What they want is power, and you are giving that right to them as they pretend to care about the things you do. And what does big tech offer the people where they live and work? Look at how wonderful the streets of San Franscisco are, and their housing policies that make it impossible for people to live there except the elite. They don't care about the people, they don't care about the place they live and work-if they can even call it their home. If you do wrong they don't care about proportionality, even if you say "I disagree", they will deprive you of speech, employability, and trade. What they want is power to control and power to destroy anyone they desire at will, and you willingly sacrifice your fellow countrymen, including yourselves, to them. You were the party of slave owners, you opposed civil rights, you continuously buy from china, but when you vote for Biden it will be you who are selling yourselves and your progeny into that very thing you say you are toppling statues over. Are you tearing down statues because they are an eye soar, or are you tearing them down so that the next generation of slaves will never have a concrete example of what evil is and what it looks like-and won't be able to recognize the Zuckerberg's, Dorsey's, Pichai's, and Sun's of the world as evil and false masters.

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