Blanca is more than just a bathroom stalker; She massively interfered in US elections

Normally I advocate against stalking laws because of the constitutional problems in them, particularly applied to speech. But what do you really call the creeps who follow you into the bathroom, and not letting you take a pee in peace; Such as the Case of a Lucha Activist known as Blanca Collazo [and others], who did that to US senator Senima in videos I am sure you all have seen by now. Certainly there are other pundits who try to toss out certain claims. Loomer originally suggested sexual harassment, Mccain suggested another crime with filming people in the bathroom without their consent. In Loomer's telegram channel, I communicated against sexual harassmnet theory as being tort based, and suggested other theories for laws against filming people in bathrooms

and Loomer's response got picked up by newsweek.

"Stalking, sexual harassment, public lewdness and obscenity. I'm No lawyer, but this needs to be treated like a crime,".

And so newsweek fueled the national dialog of leftists that Blanca stalked the US senator. It's cool and freaky at the same time; little ole me vicariously helping to drive the national conversation because of lazy journalist who have nothing to do but report on what telegram people are saying.

Eventually the gateway pundit reported on Brietbart reporting that Blanca was from a Soros funded group called lucha. So I did some searching. There is an about page on their home page that is offline/password protected, but web archives exists with links to a picture of blanca and others. But Blanca isn't the skinny girl in red just outside of the bathroom stall, but I wouldn't know this under after I rewatched the video and realized there were two main female speakers. Eventually I found Lucha_az' twitter page, and did an advance search for blanca. ( ) They forwarded a post by a reverend who mentioned a person named blanca with her last name,

. I found her twitter page (, which was protected, And the woman was too fat to be that skinny girl in red. So I was confused. So i started to explore the name to see if I could find other factors to match this blanca to narrative in the story.

Well I found Another local news media had already connected the last name to the speaker.

A paid organizer, Blanca Collazo. with Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHAAZ) is making waves again though her continued attacks on Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema. The latest incident involves Collazo with other activists filming and following Sinema to a public bathroom.

Could they be mistaken? perhaps. But the basis I am working on is that they are the same. Are there two Blanca Collazo's in Lucha? Well that is possible. But again, I am assuming there is one.

Blanca has been in the media a lot. And for all the censors out there, it isn't a bad thing that people you don't like talk. Blanca is in the video with the Senator explaining how she was brought here at the age of 3.

Well according to the jewish az ( ), she apparently told them a different story.

“I remember that crossing the border was really difficult. It took three times just to get here,”

Now assuming it is the same person, her credibility drops substantially to where phd level psychologist can fight over the fine details; but it is possible to remember things from age 2.5 with a lot of prodding, . People form what is called childhood amnesia for events that happened between ages 2-. . But remember, she recalls them trying 3 times. Now if she was told these things, there is more palpability to the claim she came here at age 3. But as stated that it was remembered, there is a high probability that at least one of her claims is false.

Finally we see what kind of impact Blanca has on the Arizona Election. For the democratic party, she organized 200 people to make 3 million phone calls to bilingual voters in Arizona in her conspiracies to rob the American people blind to serve her Marxist entitlement interest. see

People like Blanca are what really helps turns Americans against immigrants. It's not just enough that they are here; but they think it is their birth right to steal our stuff and decide our national policies. Blanca is a foreign invader, she interferes in our election, she wants to rob from us through the communist agents of her choice; she's a Godless Communists. She wants to much us equally as Shabby as the s___hole she came from, instead of striving for something better for either place.

She complained for years about low wages, well there there are plenty of conservatives with ideas about how to increase wages; reducing the size of the labor pool by sending the illegals back to their home country, this would also reduce the demand on rent/real estate driving down prices, and we would spend less on social support, and the American standard of life would go up. A bit drastic; but we have ways of getting the minimum wage to $15 and beyond in ways that doesn't favor global communist agenda.

I tried to get others interested in the story. posting bits of the above on (only 10 [other] likes), on milo, loomer, the donald, wendy rogers, and nick monroe's telegram-but it might have been too late at night for many readers including the ones the media listens too. I have seen some of my stories posted on hive/steem appear on conservative tree house. So hopefully the news will spread.

Let's start by deporting Blanca, building that wall, and start making America great again. Did she violate FARA, which carries a $250k fine? Neither Lucha nor Collazo appears in the FARA database, and it appears they may not have to be. . The FEC does limit electionioneering communications by foreign nationals-but 52 U.S.C. 30104(f)(3) doesn't include the telephone in their definition. She reached 3 million, and the regulation is for broadcast that can reach more than 50k people. Not even a desperate attorney could twist that to argue that cellphone towers emit some type of radio broadcast, because the statute exempts the telephone-and internet & email too! It seems our laws do not adequately protect our elections from foreign influence. Even more, if I am reading page 28 correctly, in 2018 LUCHA gave 60k to the AZ democratic party. Essentially such organizations could be used by immigrants and foreign nationals to donate-as a financial passthrough-into political parties. Amazing how the democrats scream Russia Russia Russia at republicans-even though the dems are usually the ones caught with their hands in the Russian cookie jar.


Anyways we need to strengthen laws against foreign interference in our election, the communist are finding their way in through exploitable loopholes in laws nearly 100 years old. But I don't think it is going to happen at the federal level due to the stolen elections. It will have to require state level regulations while we still can. It will likely have to require making violations an aggressive violent felony as to try to increase the likelihood of kicking them out of the US and keeping them out; after all, you can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out. The states may need similar laws as FARA, but also define a foreign principle to be a strawman of communism, and specific prohibited attributes to define communism, when non-citizens are the domestic actors-if nothing else.

So who is the girl in red shirt? To be honest I don't know.

On a final note, the term Lucha [lucha de clases] in global politics is often included in Trotskyism flavored communist organizations in the Spanish speaking world. That doesn't mean an American LUCHA group is connected to an international one for purposes of FARA, hence why i suggested a strawman prosecution at the state level as a remedy. If you consider wikipedia a credible source, suggests that this particular flavor of communism: "Support for social revolution in the advanced capitalist countries through working-class mass action [&]
Support for proletarian internationalism." Hence the stronger need for strawmen type prosecutions under FARA for non-citizens.

But what about Blanca right to speech. Well she still can; just shouldn't be allowed to interfere in American elections.

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